1.7.1 Smells Like Codependence

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"Gross," Chloe says quietly as they walk into the tattoo parlour seeing a guy walk out, his face studded in piercings.

"I think it's kinda cool."

"I can't believe you're doing this, for him."

"It's not for him."

She tries a different tack, she's been trying to talk him out of it all week ever since Luke started thinking about it. "Just because he's your boyfriend..."

"He's not my boyfriend, I don't do boyfriends," Luke scoffs. "Besides half the kids in school have their noses or their ears pierced," he adds, heaving his bag onto his shoulder as they browse the shop.

"Who's next?!"

Luke exchanges looks with Chloe before raising his hand.

"Take off your shirt honey," Luke's instructed as he sits down in a room at the back of the shop. "Which do you want right or left?"

"I dunno," Luke says, looking from one nipple to another, a frown on his face.

"Most guys have right..."

"Excuse me is this going to hurt?" Chloe asks. The tattooist waves what looks like a rather large needle at her. "Of course!" she says, a little embarrassed that she'd even ask and looks away as Luke's nipple is grasped in a pair of tweezers.

"Aargh!" he cries, breathing out heavily once it's done.

Chloe turns around, fixing a grin on her face and looks at him, expecting to see him regretting it, only to see Luke grinning right back.


"You know practically every guy in here has been cruising you?" Stephen mentions to Calum, piercing some chicken on his fork, as he clocks yet another person looking at his boyfriend.

"I should have warned you that the clientele doesn't exactly come in here for the five star cuisine."




Everyone wishes they'd have a boyfriend. They all picture how they'd look, how they'd sound. How nice it would be to share your life, your dreams, your dental floss.




"It's a little disconcerting when I'm trying to eat," comments Stephen, his fork sitting half way to his mouth as he glances around the diner, mentally counting how many people have looked Calum's way since they got in here.




So how come so few of us have one?

It's because we're lying. Most of us couldn't commit to a house plant. How're we supposed to commit to having a boyfriend?




"You should see what it's like when Michael comes here." Calum notes the pinched look that crosses Stephen's face, "I am so sorry, I promised I wouldn't mention him for ten minutes."

"I'd settle for five," Stephen says a little saltily, but then he relaxes, "And you need to stop smiling like that."

"Like what?"

"Like that, it makes me want to come across the table and eat you like a dessert.

Calum smirks, enjoying how he can rile Stephen up with just a turn of his lips, "Would you like some whipped cream with that sir?"

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