1.18.7 Surprise Kill

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"Honey you did the right thing, you should feel very good about yourself!" Corey calls to Sam through his bedroom door as he's getting dressed.

"I do, can't you tell? Woo. Hoo." Sam stares down at the carpet, studying his fingernails as he waits for Corey, his voice as flat as a pancake.

"I'm serious! You told that thieving piece of drugged disco trash to get lost! If there were a magazine called Self Esteem, you'd be the cover boy. You're the image of dignity. What do you think?" Corey stands in his door way, showing Sam his outfit for that night; a crop top with a cut out exactly alignining with his nipples.

Sam takes one look, "You're the image of dignity," he tells him sarcastically.

Corey blows a raspberry back at him before disappearing back into his bedroom. Sam sighs as he leans back on Corey's sofa, needing to talk it out even if Corey was his biggest critic, "He was practically in tears Corey."

"Yeah because he knew you'd cancel your credit cards before he hit the jackpot."

Sam shakes his head, he can't shake the feeling that he's done the wrong thing, "No, it seemed sincere."

"Oh please. You'd have to be a desperate queen to fall for that number. Which you're not!"

"What if something happens to him? What if he starts hustling? What if he died?! I've have that on my conscience for the rest of my life!"

"Oh my god! You've been listening to too many operas!" Corey steams back into his living room and sits down next to Sam determined to shake him out of his negative thinking. "You gave him your home, your trust. You literally gave him the clothes off your back. Something, by the way, that I would never do. And how did he repay you?!"

"You're right," Sam mutters. "Your right. When am I ever going to learn?"

"Come on, let's go to Arq. Dozens of beautiful men will judge you and you'll feel soooo much better!" Corey springs up, offering a hand to Sam.

Sam snorts a little with laughter, Corey knows him so well. He presses down on the cushions of the sofa to stand up but freezes, his bum in mid air.

"What's that?" Corey asks, seeing Sam stop following him.

"Oh nothing! Just my wallet!!!" Sam spits, his eyes wild as he pulls a leather wallet out from underneath Corey's cow print cushion that must have come out of his pocket the last time he was here.


"So you misjudged him," Corey slurs to Sam as they both lean on the bar watching the heaving dance floor at Arq several hours later. "And you said a lot of terrible things that weren't true..."

"Me?!" Sam nearly splutters his drink out, "What about you?!!"

"Well, everyone knows I'm a terrible judge of character!" Corey explains, shrugging his shoulders.

Michael, who's been listening to the two friends bicker for what feels like hours, pipes up, "Yeah, just look at who he hangs out with!"

"I've got to find him and apologise," Sam decides as Corey giggles at Michael's remark. Leaving his beer on the bar he walks off in search of Jake.

"You should look on the bathroom floor!" calls Michael.

"Fuck you!" comes the retort back.


"I said I want a beer!" Luke tells the barman, waving a twenty dollar bill at him.

"Not without i.d.!!!" the barman tells him sternly for the third time.

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