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I figured the way I wrote this (before I changed it) was way too bad. So.. I changed it. Please don't mind...
Your stand is Paradise City. For more info check out Untitled.
Before you could wake up, you heard some little voices talking to each other.
"She's sooo cute!"
"Right, little amore is cute."
"Even when she's sleeping!"
"I wonder how old she is!"
"Mista should date her..."
"Motherf***king guy should stop being a loser."
You opened your eyes to see six little yellow beings staring at you. Out of reflex, you screamed and loud enough for anyone downstairs to hear. "What's wrong?" Giorno opened your door with a worried look before you sigh lightly. "Sorry Giorno. I guess I got freaked out by a stand." While you say that, Giorno with everyone else behind him (Trish, Mista and Jonathan) look at you in surprise. "You have a stand?" Jonathan was the one who asked. You just nodded your head while the six beings jump around in happiness. "What does it look like?" Jonathan ask while approaching your slightly tired but still awake self. You let Paradise City to come out. A humanoid stand with Christmas lights and a galaxy color on its body that look like you. "Wow, it's looks so beautiful!" Trish eyeing it from up to down in admiration. "You never told us you have a stand, signorina." Giorno look at you semi angrily. "Sorry, I just thought that it wasn't necessary." You say apologetically while yawning. "Put that aside, you should eat some lunch. I made some food." Jonathan patted you on the head like he's your mother or something. You nodded your head and everyone went downstairs along with the six little beings on your shoulder.
"Mista, do you think I look beautiful?" You suddenly said while eating your food. He almost chocked on his drink when you ask him, earning a questionable gaze from Trish and Giorno. "I......Um....I'm..." He blushed and tried to mutter out any excuse but is blocked by his stands.
"Yes, of course he does!"
"You're so beautiful!"
Before anyone of them could continue, Mista quickly grabs each one of them and hides them away. "Hahaha... I'm sorry, YN. They have their own minds so... Hahaha..." He laughs awkwardly while you stare at him in a questioning look. But in the end you decided against it because he seems very awkward right now and trust him, a little only. You do know that stands represents the user's soul but you'll just let him off the hook for this one.
- Little time skip -
To your surprise, Okame decided to visit today. Seem like to purposely annoy you or something. "YO! How's my little friend doing now?" She greeted you while jumping around happily. You just straight up ignore her since you're still listening to whoever the person is complaining. No listening more like staring at your headphone while they ramble on and on about stuff that you don't care about. "Hey... Hey..." She wave her hand in front of you, until the point where she got so frustrated that she turn your laptop completely invisible. You glare at her while she has a shitty smirk on her face. The expression itself is so punchable to the point where you really did consider giving her a little punch. However you held yourself back as revealing the fact that you weren't listening to the complaint (not exactly one it's just rambling nonsense) can cause you a huge trouble. After a little while, the person finally end the call and you turn to Okame who still have the victory shitty smirk on her face. "Turn. It. Back. Now." She still smirks while your glare pierce through her eyes. "Nope." This time, she gives you a more shitty smirk that makes her face so much more punchable than before. She also intentionally popped the 'p' to get even more on your nerves. Oh.. she has done it now. This little shitty crap wants to die huh? Ohh, I guess I'll let her taste her own medicine. You smirked for a second, leaving Okame confused before suddenly summoning your stand. "Paradise City!" PC came out and punch Okame in the face. Only if you did actually hit her in the face that is. She turn her head invisible so dodging the attack. "Hehehe... I thought you know my ability already YN.." She still had the smirk that you REALLY want to punch off her face. Though you can't hit her since she's already out of range, you just glare at her. "Hehehe... You are out of range now aren't you? Ghost N Stuff!" Her stand came out and quickly your stand blocked her attack. "Your arms are wide open Oka-chan!" PC hit her arm but you had utterly forgotten about your ability that you activated because of rage. Poor Josuke, Giorno, Jotaro and Jonathan had to saw it first hand of your ability. "Ah! What the hell!?" Her arm completely came off and the void was replaced by a pocket of space. "Ahh! I'm sorry Okame. OMG I'm so sorry." You quickly apologize to her while the rest just shocked over what have just happened. You close the pocket of space while everyone else behind you quickly came and inspected poor Okame's arm. "Do you still have the lost part? If so, I could fix it. If you don't, Giorno would do it." You quickly nodded your head while opening another pocket of space. It did have the missing part inside of the space, which Josuke use CrazyD and fix her arm. Everyone sighs while you keep thanking Josuke and apologising to Okame. "Learn a lesson from that alright? You scared us all." Jonathan said a bit angrily but he forgive you anyways. "Amore, what is your stand ability?" You eyed Giorno a bit before answering his question. "I can open up a pocket of space when either punching somewhere or someone or I open it up myself. Though if I open more than 2 pocket space I'll start draining my own stamina." Everyone just nodded their heads. "So, it could be pretty deadly if used in the wrong way huh?" You nodded your head to Josuke's comment. "I bet you can't beat me. I'm stronger than Jotaro after all!" Jotaro quickly eyed him angrily, "I'm more stronger than you, Astro boy." "HUH?! WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY HAIR?!" "You're more lamer than I am. Yare Yare." "Guys... Stop please." Before anyone could continue, someone burst open the front door. "WHAT UP BITCHES!" "Please don't do that..."

Guess who's home? Still sorry about the change...

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