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Honestly, whose idea was it to bring Diego along. He just ended up causing more trouble for everyone.

And you finally understand why there's almost a mountain of luggage. 

Because they somehow packed a mountain of food into the massive amount of luggage.

You're sure that the food that the girls make could most likely feed a couple of dozens of families or almost an entire neighbourhood of hungry people. You kind of understand why they need this much food, not because of the number of family members that came.

It's mostly just for the Dinoman, Diego Brando. He's diging through the mountain of food like a student finishing their homework during the eleventh hour. 

Speaking of which, Dio is has a kind of disgusted look on his face. This time, you get him. Who wouldn't be embarrass about their brother (maybe) munching through food in the most animalistic way possible? Although Diego is kind of a dinosaur, so that's excusable.

Most of you just very silently enjoy the food, but then again being the rebel that he is, Joseph decided that it would be fun to drag Diego around with his Hermit Purple. So in a strange way, he would turn Diego into a dog on a leash, or in this case, a dinoman on a leash.

Before he could actualy try out his obiviously very dangerous idea, Jolyne used Stone Free and threw a flurry of punches at his face while munching down on a cheeseburger that she made herself. 


You are actually grateful that you didn't have to do any of the work and could just enjoy the sea breeze along with the quite delicious food.

Just a little bit afterwards, Josuke asked if you would be the refree for something. You weren't exactly sur ebut you agreed to it anyways, as long as you don't have to waste too much energy or get hurt, you would do it.

Apparently, they are going to have some sort of competition involving stands and water. You make sure you get your phone ready, there's probably some moments that are worth reccording it down. Possibly use it for black mail, who knows.


PRIZE: 100 000$ (By Jonathan's wallet)

Although it's a very clearly stupid idea, you decided to roll with it anyways. It's funny that everyone is participating in it. Erina, Lisa, Suzie and Holly would be the judges and you are the referee. 

"This should be obivious to everyone but cheating is not allowed. If you get caught cheating, we'll decide a proper punishment for you." You mentioned out loud to everyone and including a terrifying glare at Joseph, kowing that he's probably going to cheat.

[First round] Durability test

With the help of your stand, you would directly crash into their stands,

standing in the middle of the sandcastle as a flag.

"Points will be given on two factors, the beauty of your sandcastle and its durability with the help of your stands." You explain the game as much as you can before letting them decide on how to choose their team. Johnny couldn't play so he just sat beside the girls with a camera on his hands, he'll be a photographer for the majority of the competition

It ended up just having to choose sticks from Lisa's hand and the people with the same colour sticks will be in a group.

GROUP A: Josuke, Jolyne, Diego, Joseph

GROUP B: Jonathan, Jotaro, Dio, Giorno

Despite the fact that everyone could see Dio's very disgusted and unhappy face, he just suck it up and go along with it. Although the game itself is stupid, the competitiveness of everyone's spirit just influence everybody.

"You have 10 minutes to build the castle, and you all can start now!" You shouted as soon as they get their group formed together.

The reason why it wasn't 30 minutes it's because you know that with the help of their stands, they don't need this much time to finish building the sandcastles, since the most of their stands move almost at the speed of light.

And your prediction was right, they finished building the sandcastles in 5 minutes. And it looks quite amazing, if it wasn't for the stand standing right in the middle of it.

Somehow it reminds you of how some kids will stand straight and pretend that they're something else when its clear that they aren't. 

"Did you take some pictures?" You lean over to Johnny whom is currently busy taking pictures. 

He just wordlessly hands you the camera, letting you see the pictures of the sandcastles that he just took. You had to hold it in and not laugh as thanks to the angle of pictures of the sandcastles, it looks even more funny than it already was.

After the girls came back and decide to have a even more in dept discussion on the matter, you walk up and stand in the middle of the two standcastles. Group A has CrazyD standing as a flag while Group B has ZA WORLDO (sorry I couldn't pass up the chance) standing as a flag.

"PARADISE CITY!" You summoned your stand and decide to try hitting Group A's standcastle first.


Although CrazyD did mange to block your punches, the castle is somewhat broken. But its still recognisable. 

You did the same with Group B castle, but it was less broken than Group A's castle. However, you did wonder if Dio just stopped time and went ahead to fix some part of the castle.

Nevertheless, Group B still won.

[ROUND 2] Speed test

A regular game of tag, however the person who touches the 'it' first wins

The 'it' turns out to just be you. You have to tag everyone while being avoid to be tagged yourself. Johnny would actually help to manipulate the game a little so that they have a slightly harder time of winning. 

"On the count of 3" They all ran away as soon as possible and leaving only you and Johnny alone.




And.. Part 2 complete

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