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Somehow, you manage to drag both Joseph and Suzie out for luch.

Somehow, you have agreed to be the wingman (or wingwomen).

Somehow, you let Josuke and Giorno come along for the ride.

"Are you sure this is not a bad idea?" Josuke eyed Giorno before eyeing you again.

"It probably is, but we have no choice to go back now." You sigh and notice that Josuke is having some inner panic while Giorno looks completely fine, like he usually does.

Currently, both Joseph and Suzie is just casually walking on the side of the street. The three of you are somewhat far enough that they won't notice you. Although they are still worried about your whereabouts as you mentioned that you would be back after a couple of minutes. 

You said that 10 minuts ago, and they couldn't spot you from anywhere.

Originally, only you were suppose to stalk *cough* *cough* observe and (maybe) eventually join the both of them. You decline at first, however......


"I'm not going to do this Joseph." 

He smirks knowingly at you while you glare at him irritatingly.

"Goddammit, Joseph Joestar..."

"I'll pay you to do it. Deal?" 

"..................." "Fine....."

Because you aren't confident in your ability to be a wingman, you decided to bring backup along. That just so happens to be Josuke and Giorno.

"You guys could watch, film or record all you want. You guys serve nothing more than just backup and a couple of bored teenagers. Deal?"

Both of them nod their head, understanding what you just told them. You really just hope this wouldn't go south soon.

You quickly ran back to Joseph and Suzie, apologising for worrying them and being missing for quite some time. 

If you were honest, you never thought a childish, idiotic while favoured by lady luck man could ever ask someone out for a date. Even if he is favour by lady luck, this man's attitude would never change no matter what the heck he's doing. 

A couple of highlights:

- He managed to get the some dolls that Suzie wanted and one for you, even when the machine is clearly rigged. He clearly just used Hermit Purple to grab hold of the doll as soon as the claw grabbed, even if he showed it to you Suzie still couldn't see stands. 

- He picked a fight with a gang member, or something among those lines.  That lead to the man's whole gang came and ready to take revenge on Joseph while you keep Suzie Q busy. However, you remembered your backup and pulled Joseph away while letting Giorno and Josuke deal with his mess. Which every gang member (or something) getting badly hurt from the perfect hair duo.

- He carried a crap load of bags because Suzie bought quite a lot of stuff for herself as well as everyone else. Joseph was complaining but you shut him down pretty quickly. He looks like he kind of regretted asking Suzie out for a date.

- He almost wasted his enitre savings on comic books. Even though you know he has an osbession with collecting comic books, you've never imagine he would go so far. He would've bought the entire store if it wasn't for you who restrained him from going broke. However, thanks to Suzie kind heart, she bought some of the rarer edition of the comic books that Joseph originally wanted to buy.

- She gave Joseph a kiss on the cheek. The reaction from Joseph is the one you actually expected to happen, but what you didn't expect was Suzie sheilding you from a suddenly high Joseph Joestar. 

Truth to be told, it's quite an eventful day. And it's quite worth it too as he ended up paying you 120 bucks for being there. You ended up paying both Josuke and Giorno, 40 bucks each. 

What you didn't expect however was a sudden surprise kiss that Joseph gave you when you face him again. It didn't last long as almost all of the family members were there (luckily excluding Dio) and they just blankly stare at him.

Jolyne, Jotaro, Josuke and Giorno ended dragging him somewherre expaining that Joseph needs some 'therapy' while the rest just chuckles or laugh.

It was embrassing, especially having him kiss you out of nowhere as well.

"And now you know why Joseph ask you and me to hang out." Suzie just chuckles at your blushing face.

Damn that Joseph. What A Douche. 

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