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"Why would I agree to such thing?" Jotaro glares at Jolyne.

"If you don't, I'll tell that you have some dolphins videos..... you know?"

"Yare Yare, alright I'll agree...."

The four of them, setting up an elaborate prank on Dio as a revenge for 'murdering' their dignity (refer back to 22). Josuke, Jolyne, Jotaro and Joseph will work together and kill Dio's ego once and for all. Of course, recording it for blackmail uses in the future.

"You sure this would work? Dio doesn't trust us..." Everyone sighed but Jolyne smirks.

"We'll just have to convince Giorno to do it..." They all nodded their head in agreement.

"But what would work?..."

"We'll just ask him..."


So, Josuke walk to Giorno who is reading a novel he just bought yesterday. "Hey, Giorno. Would you help me with something?"

"What is it?"

"We um.... wanted to play a prank on Dio and...."

"You want me to be in part of you're plan?"

He nodded his head but Giorno refused. "Huh? Why?"

"Unless I could benefit from this, I don't want to be in the part." Josuke sighed.

Before he could say anything however, Giorno suddenly spoke. "Would you record it?" He nodded.

He let out a sigh and a light smile spread across his face. "And also, tonight's dinner is your treat."

Josuke happily nodded and let out a sigh of relief. "So, what can I help you with?"


"Dio is going to be back in about a few minutes. Is everything ready?" Jolyne ask the three of them and they nodded. Reassuring her that this elaborate prank could pull off without much trouble. Of course, they needed help from their own stands but they also have to do it in a way that Dio wouldn't suspect that anything is wrong.

"Let's hope for the best!"

When they heard the front gate open, they ran to their positions and ready to strike when the time is right. The person recording it is Okame. She agreed because Jolyne promised her that if she helped, she will give her a good amount of sweets.

Then again, with Okame's help, they could pull the prank easily.

Dio walk into the mansion and the only person in the living room is Giorno. Well, he wouldn't suspect anything since they don't really hang out in the living room. But, the awfully quiet mansion puts him on high guard.

They're probably pulling some sort of prank again.

"Dio, Erina says there's something in the backyard that would interest you." It seems suspicious but since Giorno rarely lies so he trusted him. "What does that hag wants?" He huffed angrily as he went to the backyard.

Only to get greeted by a bucket of flour falling right on top of his head.

He would've use ZA WORLDO to stop time (sorry I like the way they say it too much ^_^) but since Okame turned the bucket invisible, he couldn't see it coming.


"Hehe, our first plan worked! Now, onto the second one..." Jolyne said to herself while using Stone Free to get her to the next place.

Giorno left the living room as soon as Dio went to check and he turned a wood plank into a rat. He went back into his room so he could continue to read. This is also to wait for the cue for him to appear.

After Dio somehow got the flour out of his eyes, he ran towards where Giorno was. But he was aware that someone was watching and following him, so he went through the trouble of taking a roundabout path. Which is also where the next trap is at.

At the entrance to the living room, Josuke is at the entrance and on standby. When Dio appear near the entrance, Josuke place his leg out so he could trip him. Which worked and he landed on the newspaper that Josuke just fixed. Before he could summon ZA WORLDO, Josuke used CrazyD to knock him out and Jolyne dumped a bucket of batter on his head.

Along with the help of Jotaro and Joseph, the four of them cover him in newspaper but letting in some air so he could breath. Giorno change the rat back into a wood plank. Jolyne used duct tape to tie the ends of the newspaper to the wood plank. This elaborate prank is to make Dio into a

Corn dog.

"It worked! Pranks success!" All of them high five while having a victory smile. Jotaro didn't high five but he still smiled and just say his signature, "Yare Yare Daze..."

5 minute later.......

"What's ...... this?" Jonathan asked as he was confused why there's a giant corn dog in front of the door. He was shocked when the paper started moving, only until ZA WORLDO appeared that Dio burst out of the paper. Head to toe covered in batter and flour.

"WWWWRRRRRRYYYYYYY! I'll kill ALL OF THE FUCKING JOESTARS!" Jonathan was shocked and still confused but when Giorno came up to the Jonathan giggling, he had an idea of what happened.

"I don't think it's wise to do that, Dio." Dio turned behind and saw a chuckling Jolyne holding up her phone. Before he could slit her throat, she showed him the video that they had recorded. Dio immediately paled.

"Do you want me to post it on Facebook? Show the world that THE GREAT DIO BRANDO had been defeated by stupid pranks?"

He held back his grudge while walking to the bathroom downstairs, "Stupid Joestars." He grumbled under his breath while stomping like a kid.

"Jolyne, I would like you to explain everything..."


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