of bigger Things and

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While I was writing this chapter I gave myself paranoia and not wanting to leave my bed.Yay, well done me!

Omega's p.o.v

-Thought so- Drift spoke, not the thing I want to hear every morning as soon as I wake up, but I have another problem.

"*mumle mumble mumble*" (Idk) Rusty had fallen asleep on me bringing his pillow with him.

I smiled under my mask, a few more hours of sleep won't hurt....

Y/N's p.o.v

"Oh hey Drift!" I smiled (u like smiling) at him.

"Ugh, my necks killing me" he complained rubbing the back of his neck in the process.

.: Sleep funny? :. Vanguard asked tilting her head to he side.

"yeah, you could say that" his all to familiar smirk danced across his face.

"Drift!" I whined.

"why????" He laughed at me complaining.

~*mumble mumble mumble mumble mumble mumble mumble mumble mumble*~ Dark Voyager turned to face Vanguard who only shrugged.

"Well may as well say who?" I asked leaning on the back of the couch.

"Brite Bomber" he smirked again but blushing, by now you would think Dark voyager and Dark Vanguard would have caught on to what we were talking about but nope they did not.

"Anyone.... Got......... Food............" Absolute Zero mumbled in his sleep as he sat up, before falling backwards, hitting his head and waking up.

"Food?" He mumbled making us all laugh, not him obviously just me, Voyager, vanguard and drift.

"Someone awake?" Drift asked laughing at the semi-sleeping Zero.

"whu....?"he turned his head to face us before looking forward and falling asleep again.

.: Guess not :. Vanguard laughed, well it was true.

"did you guys hear that?" I asked confused slightly as to what the noise was.

~Nope~ they shook their heads.

"I'll be back now" I replied before walking off downstairs.

As I looked down the stairs I swear I saw something move, I thought nothing of it.

I looked up seeing Drift, who scared the crap out of me.

"Don't do that! You scared me, and I think someone or something is down here." I complained about him scaring me.

"Sorry, I'll help ya check it out" He apologised before doing the weird flip he always does down the stairs.

~OK! What are you two doing?~

"Voyager!"You both shouted in unison.

"sorry just.. Just don't do that again please?" Drift asked, me on the other hand, was still trying to recover from the first scare I didn't need two.

.: uhh guys, where's everyone gone? :. Vanguard asked sounding worried and confused.

"So that's what I heard, I feel like I'm in a horror film I'm going upstairs" I WAS scared by this point.

"NO I AM NOT!" I sat down on the stairs.

"why?" Drift asked, I shook my head.

"Look, everyone is gone" I replied.

While he was looking Drift's expression turned from confused to scared.

"someone was staring at me-.... it was- it looked like a shadow. I-i.... What the heck is that?" I've never seen Drift so scared before.

The next thing we heard was footsteps headed our way coming from upstairs.

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