a big star

47 1 3

Guess who's now in my story XD 



"Y....N....... What the hell?" Carbide asked after he saw me sliding down the stairs.

"Hey I just woke up, I can't be asked to walk," I answered and slid onto the floor with a thud.

That earnt me some weird looks.

"I'm serious, I genuinely Refused to wake up." I yawned.

"Anywayyy, Y/N, meet Lynx, Zenith and liam," Carbide smiled, Liam smiled and hid behind Zenith who now looked highly confused..

"Hey," Lynx smiled.

"Hi," I smiled back before turning to Carbide.

"You remembered To fix the agility track right?" I asked.

"I did, why?" He asked.

"Because I get boreedddd, that a problem?" I laughed.

Lynx perked up, "you have an agility course?" she asked.

"Yea, wanna race?" I smirked.

"You bet," and with that we ran outside to the course.

"That'll keep em busy for a while," Drift laughed.

"Anyway, what do you guys want to do?" Drift asked turning around now hanging over the back of the couch.

"Dude, you can move now," Zenith laughed and pushed Liam from behind him to his side.

"I don't wanna...." he smiled and blushed lightly, and hid behind Zenith again.

"Oh I get it," drift smirked under his mask, not that they could tell. 

I sighed and walked off leaving them on their own.

Drift's P.O.V

"You two?" I asked pointing between the pair of them.

"Yeah...?" Zenith replied smiling.

"Why's he so shy?" I asked smiling, and turned my head trying to see him.

"seriously come on!" he laughed and pushed Liam infront of him.

He just smiled nervously and blushed a deeper red.

"Why are you so shy?" he asked Liam, who just shrugged.


And I got bored so this is it 4 now bai

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