Lightning then the Thunder

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Time skip

Y/N's p.o.v

Wick called Omega downstairs, I could hear arguing, Brite Bomber and Drift came into our bedroom and gave me a reassuring smile.

"He's gonna be fine Y/N, I promise," she smiled and hugged me gently, I knew she was lying but I knew she hates seeing me upset.


"I FUCKING WILL THEN IF IT MEANS YOU WON'T FUCKING KILL HER!" We heard him shout back, then a door slam.

"Did he.. Did he just leave?" I asked looking at Bomber who had a worried expression.

"Omega said if it means you won't kill 'her', do you think he was referring to you?" She looked confused.

You turned round to look at the window, to be greeted by Omega sitting the windowsill.

"how the hell?" She asked mouth open wide.

"Well don't ask me" I smiled and opened the window.

"Your a spider, not a psyco" Drift laughed.

Omega just randomly made a noise "Meep. Don't tell him I'm here" he spoke sounding a little worried.

"Why did he call you a phyco and who did you mean by 'her'?" Drift asked seemingly confused.

"One, because I said I will kill you if you fucking touch her I will kill you then Thro him of da island, and two.." he sighed and looked down.

"he Ment you," Omega finished his sentence looking up at me.

"Drift let's go for a minute," Brite whispered and pulled Drift by the hand and closed the door behind them.

"What if he finds out you here? Would he kill us, or try at least?" I asked, he smiled and shook his head.

"you won't be here," I asked looking to the floor

"We won't be here" he corrected me, taking my hands.

"Come with me, he won't kill us th-"

"And leave all our friends behind?" I asked, hurt and a little angry at the fact that he would even think of leaving everything.

"Omega I-I-I can't, I can't just leave my friends behind, Im sorry." I added, tears now stinging my eyes.

"Hey it's Ok, we can stay but I swe-"

"Babe, we can leave just give me a day or so ok?" I asked smiling, before planting a soft kiss on his forehead.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?! I KNOW HE'S FUCKING BACK!" Wick shouted walking up the stairs.

"Shit, Y/N we can come back but quick if he finds me here we're both dead" Omega spoke worriedly putting on his mask and swapping his shirt and trousers for his armour.

"Let's go," I spoke after I finished getting the  camo outfit, from when I was with K.I.N.S.E, on and headed for the window

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