in my clases

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"Dwift, can you come pway wif me and my fwiends?" She chirped,

"Sorry kid, I got to go," She sighed when I gave her her answer.

"Okay," she smiled and skipped back over to the other spirits.

Raven dragged me outside then into lonely lodge.

Time skip

"So what your saying is you need me to get rid of a demon?" Rusty asked

"Yes," Raven answered for the hundredth time.

"MKay." Rusty smiled and went to the house.

Time skip (again)

"it's gone now," Rusty laughed.

"thank you," Raven sighed

Everyone already knew about Rusty so they weren't surprised or anything when we found out about the demon things.

"Hey Brite, come here a minute," Rusty smiled.

why does he always talk to her and no-one else, unless, no they can't he's with Y/N still isn't he.

Brite bomber's p.o.v

"Y/N's got a girl," Rusty smiled.

"Has she? Awe, have they got a name for her yet or?" I asked, Y/N didn't actually want a child but if she did she would want a girl.

"Yea, surprisingly, They chose Kayla." Rusty answered.

"Awe thats a good name," I smiled, I need to stop being so cringe.

"I should probably get going, I'll see ya later," Rusty smiled before fizzling Away.

Rust Lord x Elite Agent reader x Omega | ThunderWhere stories live. Discover now