fit the mold

153 7 2

Saw it
Wanted it
Threw a fit
Got it
Love it
Lemon warning

"Y/N, me and Omega want to ask you something." Rusty blushed becoming more nervous by the second.

"Meandrustywishtocourtyou." Omega spoke quickly but I still heard.

"Is that so?" I smirked at them.

They both nodded quickly in reply.

"Can we?" Rust asked me shyly.

I smirked and kissed the pair of them on their foreheads.

"I take that as a yes," Omega smirked.

~lemon start [•__•] omp I did it! lol course I did~

Third person p.o.v

Omega pinned you down on top of Rust Lord who had started biting and licking your neck gently.

Omega had claimed your lips his, licked your lower lip asking for entry, you teased him denying access.

He let out a growl and with one hand pinched your side making you gasp, he took this opportunity and stuck his tounge into your warm cavern and a battle for dominance started.

He won, obviously.

"mhm, rusty~" you moaned as he found your sweet spot, he continued to lick and suck on it leaving a mark easily seen by anyone who would walk past you.

Omega growled at that, you belonged to 'him', he grinded his crotch plating against you, making you moan his name loudly.

"guys thi ~mhm~ this isn't a competition" you moaned as omega grinded against you again.

"I know~" Rusty smirked against your neck, and did the same as Omega but against your behind.

Omega left kisses from your lips down the opposite side of you neck to Rusty, down to your collar bone.

"Take it off." Omega growled now over come by lust,

"what?" I asked smirking.

"now." he growled again tugging at the bottom of your grey camo shirt.

You did as he asked and took it off.

"you two got to too though," you smirked poking both of them.

And they did, although you had to sit up for Rusty so he could too.

Omega threw your shirt and leggings somewhere on the floor, he took of his armour shit, so did Rust Lord.

(I did put that on purpose)

They were left in their boxers and you were left in your underwear.

"O-Omega," you stuttered as you felt his hand reach in between you and Rusty, undoing your strap and taking off your bra.

He smiled a gentle smile.

"we'll be gentle, promise." he looked at you, his eyes full of lust and care(idk)

You nodded, Omega claimed your lips again then started leave a trail of small, soft kisses down your jawline, neck, collar bone the down to your breasts.

You felt Rusty's hands wandering down to your womanhood before grinding on your behind.

This made you moan, Omega had taken one of your breasts into his mouth and started licking and sucking gently and Rusty grinding on your behind with his hands trailing down to your womanhood.

"mmhm~ guys please~" you begged bucking your hips against Omega and Rusty making them grunt.

Omega stopped and stared at you, before claiming your lips.

"Hear that Rust? She wants us," Omega smirked and went to your other breast and giving it a similar treatment to the other one.

"Well, take it off~ " Rust said seductively into your Wolf ears, only before bitting it gently.

You did just that, once you had taken it off Omega inserted one finger into your womanhood and thrusted with it.

"O-Omega Pl-lease~" you moaned after he added two more fingers.

"No ~mhm~ more teasing, ~ahh Omega~ the pair of you" you finally got out, after climaxing on Omega's fingers.

Omega removed his fingers and licked them cleaning up most of your climax off of them, before moving his hand to Rusty's mouth who happily cleaned his fingers.

"you taste as sweet as you look~" Rusty whispered into your ears.

"please~" you begged now tugging at their boxers.

"you want it that bad? Ok" Omega laughed and started to take off his boxers, and by the gods he had something to be proud of.

Rusty did the same thing, god so did he.

"G-Guys?" You asked becoming more nervous and concerned how in the hell would the fit.

"Promise," Omega said, gently kissing your forehead.

You felt something at your entrances (ya know, front and back😉) before realizing that it was only them.

"Go on," you urged grinding against them.

They did, they both slid in gently as to not hurt you. That worked😕.

You screamed in pain as you felt Omega break your seal.

"Hey, hey babe, it's ok but you need to calm down," He soothed after going as far in as possible, then licking away the tears that formed and started running down your face.

You tried to calm yourself, it sort of worked. After you calmed down Omega rolled his hips making you moan.

"mhm~ please~"

They started thrusting slowly making you moan loudly and alot before picking up the pace, with you saying they could too.

"so fuckin tight~" Omega groaned after he and Rusty were in sync making it more pleasurable for you.

"ahh~ please, more~" you moaned as omega hit your inside node.

Rusty growled and picked up his pace, soon hitting your prostate too, "f-fuck!~ Rusty!~"

"Faster~" He did as you asked, he kept hitting the spot making you moan louder and more frequent.

"ahh~ guys I'm gonna-" you didn't finish the sentence, you screamed their names as your climax hit you hard. (😂)

They soon followed, groaning your name.

They stopped and pulled out.

"Mine." you heard Omega growl, but surprisingly he pulled both you and Rusty onto him, before reaching for the blanket and covered us with it.

"we love you Y/N"

"I love you both too" you replied and fell asleep in their arms.

Rust Lord x Elite Agent reader x Omega | ThunderWhere stories live. Discover now