not a yes sir

93 6 2

Thank you to my awesome readers for enjoying this story and also ImHappyTrash and iliketurtles48286929 for a shout out, enjoy da story


"Well 'Boss' now what? And how do we get upstairs?" Drift asked me smirking, I smirked under my mask and faced the guard, Fate and looked back at Drift, he got the just of it.

"how do we get upstairs?" Raven growled at Fate, after putting her back on her feet.

"Follow me." was we said and we did just that.

Time skip (lol Idk anymore)

"Look s-she's changed, I-I don't know w-what my brot-ther did to h-her." Fate stuttered as we came outside the room Y/N was in.

"what do you mean?" Rusty growled at Fate turning his hands into fists.

"Woah easy Rust," Drift tried to calm him down.

"Well that's all I know, she's changed."
Fate explained.

"omega, rust Lord I think you two should go in, if what Fate said is true she would most likely remember you two," Raptor suggested facing Fate making sure she didn't go anywhere.

"Ok, I guess we'll be out in a minute, see ya" I replied going into the room with rusty following behind.


"Y/N!" Rusty shouted and ran up to her, diving into his knees and bringing her into a hug which I think she tried to return but couldn't because of the chains on her.

"Rusty..... Omega" Y/N whispered, starting to cry in his arms.

"Hey hey it's ok Y/N we're here," I said as I sat down on my knees and starting to break the chains one her wrists.

Once they were free she pulled me and Rust into a tight hug which we returned.

"What did Omen do to you?" I asked her reaching down to her ankles and breaking the chains there.

They were so tight on her that they had cut through her skin.

"He- he made me a monster," she sobbed into my chest.

I didn't know why she said that until I noticed she had Wolf like ears and a dragon like tail with two small horns on the back of her head barely showing through her tied up hair.

Rusty gently stroked her tail and whispered something to her, she seemed a little more happier.

"Let's get you home"  I replied kissing her forehead and picking her up bridal style and headed for the door.

"th-hank y-you" she thanked me before hugging me in an awkward position.

Rust Lord x Elite Agent reader x Omega | ThunderWhere stories live. Discover now