Take Your Kid to Work Day Finale

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A/N: I also don't know anything about law trial things so I'm basing this all on Judge Judy :)

Edit: I just realized the witness' name was Sally and I'm pretty sure I didn't mean it to be Sally Hemings considering that Rodger is some random name so I think I just picked Sally randomly too but I don't want to disrespect Sally Hemings in any way and I don't want anyone to think it's her so I changed her name. Sorry for any confusion!

~At Washington's Law Warriors~

"Spinny doors!!" Philip said, rushing to the doors and running around and around in them.

"Oh, you guys are gonna love it here!" Alexander said, slightly skipping towards the doors with his briefcase.

"Pip, slow down your gonna get hurt." Eliza said as Philip reluctantly stopped spinning.

"You're no fun." Philip pouted.

"You know what is fun? My work!" Alexander said.

"Sure." Angelica said with a roll of her eyes.

"Look who it is? The dreadful Hamiltons and Eliza." Jefferson said, sassily walking up to the family.

James walked up with Martha and John holding his hands. "Hello TJeffs." Alexander mocked Eliza's nickname for him as Thomas cringed.

"Momma, why is there a sheep on his head?" Alexander Jr. asked, pulling on Eliza's dress to get her attention.

Eliza giggled at her son and answered, "That's his hair. It's really fluffy."

"Oh!" Alexander Jr. said, his mouth forming the shape of an 'o'. "Mister, can I pet your sheep?"

"Um, ok?" Thomas answered, wanting to see where this would go. Alexander Jr. motioned for him to bend down and he did as he was told. He placed his small hand the fluffy poof on Thomas' head.

"Baaaaa." Alexander Jr. said to the fluffy hair. Thomas yanked his head up away from Alexander Jr.

"Don't ever touch my hair again, small Hamilton." Thomas said while attacking his hair with his hands.

"Baaaa." Alexander Jr. said angrily, crossing his little arms. Philip went back to the spinny door once everyone was distracted.

"TJeffs, did you see what Stephanie posted on Facebook?" Eliza asked.

"No, what did she post?" Thomas asked, excitedly.

"She dissed the whole bake sale that the PT-" Eliza began to gossip before Alexander grabbed her arm and pulled began pulling her into the office.

"Come on. The trial starts in 15 minutes." Alexander said.

"I'll talk to you later!" Eliza called as she was dragged away.

"Philip! I thought we said no spinny doors." Eliza said as they approached the doors once again.

"pHiliP! i tHouGht wE sAid nO sPinNy dOorS." Philip mocked.

"Double vegetables tonight." Alexander threatened.

"No! Fine, daddy's work is the best place ever and is soo interesting." Philip said.

"Okay, no vegetables." Alexander declared. "Except for Angelica."

The kids cheered but Angelica turned outraged to her father. "Unfair! Just because I don't like your work, doesn't mean that I get vegetables."

"Yes, it does."


"Cuz I said so."

Angelica groaned and Eliza shook her head at her daughter, silently telling her she wouldn't have vegetables.

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