The Mug

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"Jefferson," Alexander greeted promptly as he walked into Thomas' office. "I believe you owe me something from yesterday."

Thomas glared at him but continued to work, completely ignoring his presence. Alexander cleared his throat with slight aggravation.

"Oh, Alexander, you're here. What do you want?" Thomas said, barely glancing up from his computer.

"I believe that you owe me something," Alexander repeated.

Thomas raised an eyebrow in feigned confusion. "A mug?" Alexander offered.

"Ohhhhh." Thomas rummaged around in his desk. "Here you are." He handed him a mug covered in pictures of himself with big black letters on it, '#1 Loser'.

Alexander examined the mug with a frown."What is this? This looks nothing like my other mug."

"I improved it for you," Thomas replied with a grin. Alexander opened his mouth to fight back but decided against it and stormed out of the office, planning how to get him back.

~Later that day~

"A business trip?" Alexander gasped as he read Washington's email. "This cannot be happening."

Within thirty minutes, he had a whole two-page essay finished on why the company should not go on a business trip. He delivered it to Washington and stood expectantly as he read it.

"We have to go on this business trip," Washington said simply, setting the paper on his desk.

"A week though! In Hawaii! I feel that is a little extravagant for a small lawyer company."

"I know, I know. I tried to fight it but it's not my choice. I'm just following orders."

"A week. In Hawaii. With my coworkers."

"It's as bad for you as it is for me," Washington replied.

"Really? Is it really? Look, this is who I'm stuck with for the next week." Alexander pointed to the various pictures of Jefferson on his new mug.

"Is that the mug he gave you?" Washington asked, barely holding back a laugh.

"What do you think?" Alexander spat. "And Eliza won't even be able to come. She has to stay with the baby."

"The baby can stay with Martha. She's great with kids," Washington suggested.

"Either way this trip is ending with me jumping in a volcano," Alexander stated grimly as he sulked his way out the door.

"There'll be dolphins. Just think about the dolphins," Washington attempted to cheer him up.

"I wish Jefferson was replaced with a dolphin," he muttered as he slammed Washington's office door behind him.

~At dinner that night~

"John Church Hamilton?" Philip said. "Sounds like something out of those boring history textbooks Mrs. Turd makes us read. Slimy would have been better."

"Or Chicken Nugget Two," Angelica added. Chicken Nugget barked in agreement.

"Be nice to your new sibling," Eliza said as she burped said new sibling. "He's named after a very honorable man."

"Yeah, her celebrity crush," Alexander said with a roll of his eyes.

"Mama's cheating on Dada!" Alexander Jr. shrieked.

"Am not. I had a crush on him when I was like twelve. You're just jealous," Eliza defended herself.

"You had a shirtless poster of him in your college dorm. You were not 'like twelve'," Alexander pointed out. "And now you're naming our child after him."

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