Halloween Bash

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A/N: I really wanted to do a Halloween chapter while it's the Halloween season soooooooo we're just gonna pretend that for some reason their school starts in October and that it's been October this whole time lol. Happy Halloween!

~At the Washington's Halloween Bash~

Ding-dong! Martha looked in the mirror one last time and fixed her fangs before rushing off to answer the door. "I got it!" she called out to her husband.

"No, I wanna answer it!" George called from down the hall, beginning to run to the door also. They both sped up and crashed into the door at the same time. Martha quickly unlocked the door and swung it open.  The out of breath 'vampires' looked welcomingly at their guests, the Hamiltons, and Thomas? Wait, no, it's Alexander in a Thomas costume? A huge afro wig sat on Alexander's head and he was decked out in a full magenta suit. And to complete the look, he held a cane. 

"Thomas?" Martha asked.

"Nope. It's Alex. I dressed as the scariest thing I know," he explained, with a proud smile.

"Oh," Martha said, not sure how to react.

"I tried to talk him out of it," Eliza told Martha. "He didn't listen. We were going to be Mickey and Minney but no." Eliza stood in the doorway in a Minnie Mouse dress and ears with a small black dot painted on her nose. 

"Well, come in, come in. You're the first to arrive." George said, opening the door wider. 

The kids took their chance and ran into the banquet hall straight towards the dessert table. Philip swerved his lightsaber around like the little Jedi he was and Angelica raced after him while casting spells with her wand. Alexander Jr. tried to keep up with his siblings in his dino onesie but had to drag James along with him who was in a, no surprise, cookie monster costume.   

George and Martha had had this Halloween party since the beginning of time and they had become experts at decorating it. All sort of colored lights danced around the room and shined through the fog that the fog machines had made. Cobwebs hung all over the walls and everywhere you turned there was a skeleton staring at you. 

"Where's Alexander?" Alexander asked.

"Are you talking about yourself in the third person? Or referring to your son?" George asked, joining the Hamiltons in the hall.  

"No and no. I mean the cat." Just in time the tom cat slyly strolled into the room in a princess costume that she did not look like she enjoyed. Martha had named the cat after Alexander before she had known the gender and well, she hadn't had the heart to change the name because their personalities just fit so well.  

"Why is Alexander in that hideous outfit?" Alex asked, looking at the sparkly pink dress with a repulsed face. 

"You can say that again," Angelica mumbled to herself, although she wasn't referring to the cat.

"I thought it was cute," George confessed.

"You picked this out? Oh, I'm so sorry, Alex." Alexander cooed as he picked up the cat. "We can't have my namesake going around wearing this, now can we? Luckily, I bought a costume just for you."

"Sometimes, I think he loves that cat more than himself." Eliza thought out loud.

"Now, that is impossible," Angelica remarked.

Before Eliza could scold her daughter for her sass the doorbell rang. The Washington's looked at each other competitively and were off to the races once again. They returned with the Laurens family and Angelica with her plus one AKA Tigger. Frances Laurens skipped over in her Princess Peach costume to the other children. 

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