New Year, Same Alexander

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"Everyone! Come downstairs, family meeting!" Eliza called while banging two pots together.

"Liza, it's seven in the morning," Alexander said with exasperation.

"Since when have you cared about sleep? And it is not my problem you went to bed at three last night," Eliza replied, still banging her pots.

"What is that awful noise?" Angelica complained, walking down the stairs groggily.  

"It's the hat revolution!" Philip answered. He ran down the stairs with inhuman energy for seven in the morning, pushing past Angelica. He rushed into the kitchen and grabbed two pots to join in on the ruckus. "HAT REVOLUTION! HAT REVOLUTION!" Philip chanted to the beat of the pots.

"That is not what the family meeting is about!" Eliza shouted over the clanging. "It's about new years resolutions!" she explained, each word was accompanied by a pot clank

"Oh," Philip realized. He slowly retreated to the kitchen to return the pots.

"Who dares disturb my sleep?" Alexander Jr. asked, walking down the stairs with James Alexander in tow.

"Who dares speak in that tone?" Eliza shot back.

"Daddy taught me it," Alexander Jr. replied with a shrug.

"Psh, I don't remember that," Alex blatantly lied.

"Okay, whatever, everyone gather on the couch," Eliza ordered. They all did as they were told. "This year the Hamiltons are reinventing themselves. No more will be known as the family that is always a walking disaster-"

"We are not a walking disaster. We're the best family I know," Alex interrupted.

Eliza simply ignored him and continued talking. "I have made resolutions for each of us to keep us all on track. And to remind us of these goals I have made a whiteboard." She yanked a towel off of a whiteboard. It read:

2019 Resolutions

Eliza: Be more on time

Angelica: Be nicer to siblings

Philip: Wear a hat when it's cold out

Alexander Jr.: Keep bedroom clean

James Alexander: Eat vegetables

Alexander: Be nice to colleagues

"Before I even look at my resolution, I must say that resolutions are supposed to be for self-improvement, not Eliza-improvement," Alexander commented.

"Your resolution, if you made it yourself, would be like work more hours or keep doing what you're doing because you're amazing," Eliza countered. "So I made one that will actually help."

"This is an outrage," Alexander whispered to himself as he began reading the resolutions.

"Be nice to siblings? Mom! That's impossible!" Angelica protested.

Eliza only responded with a shrug.

"It's not my fault they all say idiotic things all the time that are so easy to make fun of," Angelica complained.

"Hey!" Philip shouted, punching Angelica in the arm. She retaliated by pulling his hair and that exploded into a full-blown fight.

"I am not keeping my bedroom clean. The socks like it under my bed!" Alexander Jr. stated before storming off upstairs probably to go back to sleep.

"I can't read," James Alexander said, "so I don't have to do it."

"And there is no way that you are stopping the hat revolution. I am never wearing a hat. Ever!" Philip informed his mom while fighting Angelica.

Eliza sighed. This was not the way that she imagined this going down. She turned to Alexander, her final hope at someone liking her idea. He had been oddly quiet throughout the chaos of the Hamilton children.

"Be nice to Jefferson?" Alexander asked, dumbfounded. "You can't be serious."

"It says be nice to colleagues," Eliza tried to convince him.

"I'm nice to Washington, good enough," Alexander said in the midst of walking to his office.

"Everyone listen up! If you all don't get back here right now, I'm getting the pots again!" Eliza threatened. Within seconds the family was gathered back in the living room and not fighting.

"I forgot to mention that whoever finishes their resolution first or best in this month gets a prize," Eliza told them.

"What's the prize?" Angelica asked suspiciously. 

"Fifty dollars," Eliza answered with a proud smirk, knowing they would all do it now.

"That's enough for fifty things at the dollar store!" Alexander Jr. said with amazement.

"Or five new Barbie dolls!" Angelica joined in.

"Or one blowtorch!" Philip added.

"Um, what?" Eliza asked.

"For the hat revolution, duh," Philip answered. Eliza moved to the whiteboard and put a minus one next to Philip's resolution. "No! I was kidding. It's for my, uh, love for cooking steak... with a blowtorch?"

"Nice save," Angelica commented sarcastically. 

Eliza hesitantly erased the minus one even though she knew he was lying. "How come Chicken Nugget doesn't have a goal?" Alexander Jr. questioned as if it was obvious that the dog should have a resolution too.

"How could I forget?" Eliza muttered, moving to board and adding Chicken Nugget's resolution. 

"Oh no, Chicken Nugget, what are you gonna do? You have to be potty trained by the end of this month!" Alexander Jr. said to the dog. Chicken Nugget looked up at him with a rapidly wagging tail. Then he proceeded to pee himself from the excitement of the attention.

"I'll get the mop," Angelica sighed.

"Who's idea was it to get the dog again?" Alexander asked, though he completely knew who's idea it was. "Oh, yeah, it was that same unnamed person that had the idea of this horrific whiteboard."

"You don't have to take part in this but you don't get the money then," Eliza said with a shrug.

"I just think it's stupid..." Eliza moved towards the board with the marker. "-ly awesome," Alexander saved himself.

"That's good because I invited the Jefferson's over for dinner. You can gain some points," Eliza replied with an evil grin.

Alexander's face completely fell. "You're lying. You have to be lying," he said in denial. Alex raced to the window and began pulling down the blinds.

"Nope," Eliza responded, popping the p. "They're coming at 4."

"You told him where we live?" Alexander hissed. He raced to the door and secured both locks.

"Well yeah," Eliza said. "They have to know where to come."

"Martha's coming over?" Philip asked hopefully. Eliza nodded. "Yay!" Philip cheered.

"No, not yay. Nay! Nay!" Alexander scolded.

"Daddy's a horse!" Alexander Jr. said, galloping around his dad while mimicking horse sounds.

"Does no one understand how desperate the situation is?" Alexander asked.

"You better get ready they're coming in eight hours," Angelica warned.

Alexander screamed like a small child and ran to his office, slamming the door and locking it behind him. "Hide all you want but you can't delay the inevitable," Eliza called after him.

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