Chapter 6

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Jungkook, hasn't shown up to school for three days. You were told he had a cold and that he would come in tomorrow, you weren't too worried. He texted you updates on how he was feeling and things like that so you relaxed a bit.

You decided it was a good idea do bring him movies and a nice warm soup, seeing as though he was sitting at home with no friends. You got his address from one of his friends and went on your way with your gifts. 

You stood at his front door and knocked, the door slowly opened to find a sleepy and sweaty Jungkook.

"Y/N-I uh, hey... that smells great!" His droopy eyes lightened up a little bit.

"Hey Kook, yeah I thought you would like a little bit of soup to get you a bit healthier and I bought a few movies that I found for you to watch."  He welcomed you in and you sat the pot down at the kitchen bench. 

You felt a head lean over your shoulder and heat radiating from the body its attached to.  You spun around and dragged him without a word to his couch and laid him down. 

"You, do not move I will warm up some of the soup."

"Y/N-I'm Fi-"

"You're not, you have a massive fever Kook. Sit." He pouted slightly and obeyed. 

You went to the kitchen and started preparing the food, but you didn't finish. You were spun around and pushed up against the counter. 

"You have some balls, ordering an alpha around so casually." His voice had dropped three octaves and his eyes this time were completely gold, his body heat came off in boiling waves. 

"Kook?" You spoke quietly, he growled deeply in response.

He leaned closer and bent down to your neck, he sniffed. He sniffed? 

"The soup wasn't the only thing that smelt good actually." He went back to eye level with you. 

"Jungkook, what are you doing?" You stood up straighter and your voice went back to normal volume. 

He just stood and stared, his lips curled up slightly revealing not so human teeth and emitted another growl. 

"Kook?" You called out once more, he wasn't human? 

"Y/N-ah. You like that wolf yes?"

"How did you know about that?" He looked away and took a deep breath in.

"I can't control myself, I thought I could. Stupid mutt is being a pain in the ass."- He lent back near your face.-"Close your eyes Y/N. You are not gonna want to watch this." You followed what he said. 

You felt his warmth move away, the room was silent for a second and then all hell broke loose to your ears. His groans and screams fill the room along with the sound of bones cracking. You wanted so bad to open your eyes and help him but one other thing filled the room until it was over.

"Don't" Was chanted repeatedly while it happened. You reached out for him, wanting to know he was okay.

Nothing. You stepped forward and felt soft fur, you opened your eyes to see the all too familiar wolf. It stared at you and tilted it's head. It had his eyes, how did you not realize before. 

You slowly started patting him like you usually did to the wolf.

"No wonder you like werewolf movies so much" You snorted. 

As if he agreed he yipped back. 

But what you didn't get was why he showed up in his wolf forms all those times and didn't tell you....



Her reaction was not something he had expected. He thought she would run away screaming and he'd have to get Jimin to erase her memories. 

But no, she was casual about it. Her heart obviously had sped up, she had heard him scream like an idiot. He couldn't help it though, it hurt like a bitch. When he saw her face he relaxed instantly. 

She wasn't scared but it was like she was on the brink of exploding with questions. Of course he had to answer them. 

Eventually he shifted back after his wolf had calmed down, it was kinda embarrassing because he shifted back completely naked... She covered her eyes straight away.  After that he sat her down and prepared himself for all the questions she was going to ask.

"So why weren't you coming to school?" He sat there for a moment. Out of the things she could ask this was the one thing she chose to ask first.

"I guess it's more of a shifting phase? Um, my wolf gets bigger and my alpha instincts get stronger. It annoyingly comes in waves, so that's why I chose to stay home." She nodded her head and concentrated hard on him, he felt himself go red under her gaze.

"Is that why you got annoyed with me when I told you to sit down?" 

"Yes. I will calm down in two days once the cycles finished. So don't worry." He smiled at her, she mirrored him. She was so cute.

"So you go into heat?" He laughed at that.

"No, only omegas have heats." 




You had literally just had a question session with Namjoon, but you couldn't help it. It's normal to want to learn about the unknown. You'd just found out Jungkook is a werewolf. 

It was 6:30 by the time you had finished talking with him. He gave you all the answers you wanted, with that you were content.

"Y/N? With the sniffing thing, that was my wolf. Not me, so I'm sorry about that." He looked like a lost puppy with pouty lips and big doe eyes, you could tell he was guilty. 

"Kookie, it's okay. You were boiling hot so I was more worried about you just collapsing rather then why you were sniffing me." You giggled and he laughed along with you. 

You stood up and said your good byes to him. He made the rules clear about knowing this, no telling, no using it against him for your benefits e c t. It was like he didn't know that you know about Namjoon...Oh wait he doesn't.

You got home and sat on the couch, tired from the massive day of learning your friend is the wolf you've been hanging out with. 

You shut your eyes for one second.

"Where the hell were you!" 

and another roller coaster beings.... 

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