Chapter 28

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He sat his desk plotting getting you back, he had enough of the cocky little dog and his posse. Yoongi watched him as he plotted the young wolves demise.

What was his king thinking? Walking into the wolves den like an idiot, Yoongi knew he was going to have to control Namjoon's plan. Filter them to make them... More humane if you will.

"Joon, you sure about this?" He walked to the desk, his king stared up at him with an evil glint in his eyes.

"Positive, the puppy needs to know who the real alpha is." His lips spread into a grin. Yoongi internally wanted to cringe into a hole.

"We will hurt no one, it is get in and her out. Quick and easy Yoongs." He leaned back in his chair with a sigh.

"Wise words King..." Yoongi said as he stretched.

They stood up realizing they were ready to go, the room was quiet enough to hear a pin drop. Soon enough, Islah, Jin and Hoseok stood along the two.

Namjoon smiled and nodded his head. In a flash the group of beings sped out of the castle at an impossible speed.

Mission nab Y/N was in plan.


Jimin howled as his paws fled across the moss covered ground, he trailed behind Jungkook's wolf. 

Jungkook had finally finished shifting into a true alpha, his wolf was almost completely black and standing as a wolf that would crush a beta like himself in seconds.

Jungkook chuffed telling them he smelt pray nearby, Taehyung along with two of the other additions to the hunters crouched. Jungkook snarled making sure they didn't scare off the deer herd in front of them.

Jimin had the best nose in the pack, so when the smell of smoke filled his lungs his hackles went up.

A rush of worry flashed through him. The pack's protectors were away, they were here with him.

He sprinted, his howls ripped through the woods telling his peers that there was something wrong.

Soon the others caught up, their village was on fire. Screams and howls echoed through their ears.

'Go.' Jungkook mind linked them to grab everyone. Yet another scent flooded their noses, vampires...

They growled and sprinted into the village, Jungkook rounded up the orphanage and the small hospital. 

Before he could put the blame on Namjoon, he watched as his rival carried crying children out of the village to the safe haven.

They all were, all the vampires were bringing his pack to safety. They had burns all over their bodies and sweat dawned their pale features.

If it wasn't them, who was it?

Realization flooded to his head...

'Y/N.'  Namjoon sprinted along side Jungkook, having caught on to what Jungkook was thinking. They burst through the door, a wave of fury and sadness hit Jungkook hard.

His caretakers, his protectors and his teachers laid dead on the ground. His mothers wolf laid next too an all too pale Lola.

She must have just gotten back early...

His mother took a shallow breath in, he shifted not caring about the vampire behind him.

"Mother, please, please stay with me!" He yelled, his voice cracking.

"Jungkook move." Jin's voice was husky with exhaustion.

Jungkook snarled at him.

"Do it for her." Jin smiled gently trying to calm the stressed alpha.

He slowly moved away leaving his mother in his hands.

Jin chanted something quietly, his hands lit up as he touched the white wolf. Her body jolted up. 

"She will be okay Jungkook." He picked her up and handed the passed out wolf to him.

"I am sorry, it's too late for Lola..." Tears fled down Jungkook's cheeks.

He lost his second mother because he failed to protect his pack. 

"I am sorry..." Namjoon placed a comforting hand on the younger's shoulder.

He shook off the king's hand and walked out to place his mother with the care takers of the pack.

"Take them to the dens, I will be there in a few days time." He ordered Taehyung and Jimin to escort them safely.

"Let us he-"

"No. Go. They need you." He smiled, as tears still flowed down his cheeks.

Jimin's and Tae's watered seeing their childhood friend and leader break down. They hugged him tightly. 

They let go and started on their night's journey.

Jungkook wondered back into the house where all the vampires stood together.

"Jungkook where the hell is Y/N?" 


Your head thumped as you woke up, you moved to touch your head. But you were restricted by chains.

You hissed at the burning sensation on your wrists.

"Comfortable?" Her voice sent shivers down your spine.

"Why Lisa... You know they will come for me..." Your weak attempt at threatening her was pathetic.

She laughed as she stepped closer to you, close enough to feel her breath on your face.

"That's exactly what I want, plus I have the blood that everyone wants. All thanks to you, I will kill Namjoon with ease." She whispered in your ear, running a clawed finger down your neck.

"Of course I'll need that Snake's blood as well. You are both soul linked, I'm sure you realized by now. But he doesn't need to be here for me to have a taste..."

Your breathing sped up as she licked your neck. She hummed when she found Namjoon's marks.

"You let him bite you, slut . I bet you've let them all have a taste..." She bit down hard and drew blood.

She stared down at the crimson dripping from the two puncture wounds.

"Truly beautiful isn't it... Let's hear you scream whore..." She took one of your chained arms and snapped it. She laughed and bit down draining you slowly.

You screamed in pain, heat flashed through the broken bone.


Your vision left you...

A/N: Oof, the next couple of chapters may involve slight torture and slight graphic themes. Please stop reading if you are sensitive to gore/ graphic themes. Its nothing messed up but just in case! 

Any ways hope you enjoy! Thank you for reading, your comments are great.

Love you all.

-<3 T

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