4 | Swear Jar

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Today, I woke up feeling something was missing from my life. I was happy but then I wasn't. I've switched between five jobs this year, and I've been burnt out. Jiwoo understands I'm tired and he gets why. I know he loves me, the words he tells me before I drop him off at his learning center brighten my day. Make me feel like I've been doing a good job with being his mom. I mean, that's all I want to be to him.
Looking over towards my clock, it was 5:54. "Time to get up." I sluggishly say,
I first take my shower, like always the warm water makes me relaxed and sleepy, the droplets hitting as much free skin there was. Constantly dripping from my body, I get out and dry off going to the sink and brushing my teeth. Going back to my room, I walk to the closet to find the designated uniform I needed to wear for the workday. Reading the clock it was 6:17, I put my hair in a ponytail and sprint to the kitchen to start making breakfast for Jiwoo.
"Today we'll have...egos..." I say looking through the refrigerator.
I put them in the toaster and go to Jiwoo's room to wake him up. "Jiwoo, nasarang, time to wake up!"
"Ugh..." he says rolling over in his little bed
"Come on...we don't have time for this."
"Can Daddy just watch me?"
"No, not his early. I don't know if he has plans for today, now come on. Go get up, you know what to do."
He pouts and abides by my orders. I go to his closet and pick something for him to wear. I take it to my room so I could iron it. Scent started to linger in my nostrils, it smelt like steam maybe even smoke, since I was near the iron I just thought it was that. Jiwoo's voice started to go through my ears. "Mommy!" I heard
"Yes, Jiwoo?"
"T-The toaster!"
In no time my eyes widened and I was already on my way to the kitchen. Smoke was coming from the toaster and I knew exactly what it was. It was old and didn't work that properly meaning the egos weren't going to pop out, something I forgot. "Shit!" I said admiring the black gas coming from the now probably broken toaster. I unplug the machine and wait for the smoke to clear. I turn back to Jiwoo and look at him already done with the day that didn't properly start.
"I guess we're having cereal."
"Again...we had that for two straight days!"
He was pouting like Jimin. As much as I wanted to smile at his sudden cuteness I couldn't. I was already angry and stressed not mention now we're running behind. And if I'm late again my boss will give me hell for the third time.
"Jiwoo, I don't have time for that, we're eating cereal. That's final."
"Jiwoo! Did you not hear what I just said?"
I look in the pantry and get the lightbox of cereal. His favorite at least. I pour it in a white ceramic bowl and notice there's only enough for him. Shrugging it off, I get the milk and also pour it in the bowl and serve it to him along with handing a spoon in his chubby baby hand.
"Aren't you going to eat some?"
"There's only enough for you. I'll pass."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure. Just keep eating. You need to get ready."
"Okay..." he said stuffing the cereal in his mouth showing off his already inherited chubby cheeks. This time I lightly smile and go back to my room to finish ironing. After about ten minutes I go back to the kitchen to check on him and I see he's drinking the leftover milk from the bowl.
"Okay," I say "Time to clean up. Go to the bathroom." he jumps off the barstool running towards the bathroom and I take his bowl to quickly clean in the kitchen sink. I go down the hall towards the bathroom witnessing Jiwoo starting his own bath. I cross my arms in shock and try to hold back my tears. He was getting older and yet again blowing me away.
"You started your own bath?"
"Yes, I wanted to help. Can I do it by my self?" Still wanting to cry and slowly nod my head. I was beginning to feel lucky he was my son. I already was but, the fact he knows me so well, just like I said blows me away. I walk away and pull my phone out to check the time. 7:10, "Fuck." I whisper. I could tell I was going to go through hell at work. Part of me even feels that my boss hates me, and do I know why? No. He knows I have a kid that's three and I try my absolute best to please him. All he does is walk over me. There are times I want to correct him but can't. This job was the only way I could get enough money. I go to my messages and notice Jimin texted me not too long ago.

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