The Prison

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No way of avoiding this, I will be in jail for the rest of my life. And I accept it, I deserve it. You wanna know what I did?

I lied about everything in my life, I lived a lie. Even though I didn't kill them I was a part of it so their blood is in my hands too. I killed innocent people to get where I got, I drove people crazy on purpose just to control them. I could stop it and I didn't. It is my fault. And then I shot and killed my teammate Saey who probably killed Fuska himself.

So that's how fucked up it is.

I guess when you don't deserve something, the universe finds a way. Look at this, I will be in a prison cell for the rest of my life, Fuska is dead because she was a good person, And Saey was so arrogant to admit he was wrong , he chose to die over it.

Misery, misery , misery... With any luck , I hope someone kills me in jail, after all I did who can blame them?



I didn't talk, I didn't tell them anything, I didn't defend myself or anything. From their point of view my crime was first degree murder.

Of course with no lawyer and me not defending myself, prison sentence for life, is not surprising.


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