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"You ready ?" Jungkook awkwardly shifted his weight between his feet, trying to find a comfortable stance.

Bora adjusted the ash brown strands of hair, placing it behind her ear. "Ready as I'll ever be."

Jungkook couldn't help but feel nervous while staring at the girl in front of him. They haven't hung out alone before and he was starting to regret his decision. He had not thought this through.

Should have invited Taehyung. He pinched the bridge of his nose, realizing that his friend hadn't bought a gift yet.

I'm an idiot.

"Earth to Jungkook." Bora waved her hand in front of the lad's face, clearly seeing that he was spaced out. His eyes were wide, looking at a random point in the distance.

"Huh?" Jungkook turned to face her, quickly recomposing himself. "Yeah, let's go." He cleared his throat before matching his pace to hers.

"So have you thought of a gift for Jimin?" Jungkook tried to make small conversation.

"Nope. I was hoping to be inspired." Bora sarcastically commented. Truth be told, she wanted to ask Jungkook some questions.

"Hopefully. His birthday is coming up soon." He tilted his head while simultaneously shoving his hands deeper into the pockets of his jacket.

"What's his favorite sport? He has to like something." Bora tried thinking of all the people she knew. "Perhaps a favorite singer, actor, artist, athlete?" She emphasized the last one. She knew plenty.

"Of course he does." Jungkook scoffed. "It won't matter though. It's not like you can get those people to form to his party, right?" He let out a laugh, walking ahead of her.

She held in the urge to roll her eyes.

You have no idea.

"Of course not. It'll be helpful in picking out a present," she half lied.

"He likes soccer and UFC fighting. He got into it recently thanks to Taehyung. Those two won't shut up about it when a match is on. It's sometimes annoying." He held in a grin as he entered the clothing store.

"UFC?" Bora bit her lip, grabbing the shopping basket from the lady.

"Yeah, he loves it. His favorite player is Luther Reed, the fighter from Australia."

"Anybody else?" Bora raised a brow. Like me and my brother. Bora thought to herself.

We're  National representatives?!?

"Not that I know of." He shrugged, grabbing a pair of black sweats.


"Taehyung loves Yook Sungjae. He even has a poster of him with his signature on it, bought it through an auction."

Bora held in a giggle, her brother had a huge fanboy.


Jungkook snickered, "sure."

Bora pictures the blond athlete with hazel green eyes. Last time she saw Reed, he was getting ready to go on his vacation to Denmark.  She wouldn't be able to get his signature on time.

"What about his favorite soccer player?" Bora spotted a soccer jersey on the top shelf and instantly walked towards it.

"Seo Hanseuk, number 13 on Korea's national football team."

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