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"Y/n... I like you so much, it's just I'm not exactly the type of guy every mother wants dating their daughter, I can't be a knight in shining armour when I'm away" he smiled
"I like you too! I want you!" I smiled but sort or yelled at the same time.
"I want to be with you but before you say that's what you want you need to know something"
"This won't be a normal relationship. I'll be here then I'm not, sometimes you'll have a camera in your face, I'll probably end up writing songs about you everytime we aruge or I just realise how lucky I am. Fans beging for info about us, people being horrible online. I don't want you to have to put up with that"
"I want to put up with that! Don't you get it?! For goodness sake!"
"I just... Forget it. I love you" he placed his hands on my face and kissed me. I wasn't expecting that. He pulled away, still holding my face, resting our foreheads together. Just for a moment everything is perfect, and my heart skips a beat. "I know I just listed everything that could go wrong
"I love you y/n"
"I love you too"
"I may not be the perfect guy but, if you like causing trouble everywhere especially hotel rooms, if you like sneaking out to meet eachother, if you like driving around at all hour without actually having a proper destination; I'm perfectly perfect for you"
"I guess that makes you perfectly perfect for me" I smiled up at him "and I know my parents will love you, I'd be glad to take you home to them"

Blake Richardson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now