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Byrd stared at the bodies as Clarke finally clambered into the room, a shocked gasp leaving her mouth. She shook her head and turned away, her jaw dropping slightly at the cages behind her; hands reaching out toward her.

'I told you that bitch was a psycho,' She muttered.

She walked forward slowly, her fingers running along the cages as she looked over the grounders inside. They all looked weak, sick, scared. She paused when when a hand gripped onto her leg weakly, her eyes landing on Anya as she peered up at her.

'Grounder Princess?' She stated as she cocked her head to the side; 'Clarke, it's Anya.'

The blonde ran over within a second, crouching down in front of the cage.

'Anya?' Clarke queried.

There was cages everywhere, each filled with more grounders. Byrd shook her head, unable to understand why. Why they would lock up people. They were more like the Ark then she could comprehend.

'I'm gonna get you out of here,' Clarke finally nodded.

The girl stood, wandering back toward the hanging bodies; looking around. She pulled a pipe from the wall, sparks shooting from it. The dark haired girl continued to wander around the cages on the far wall, her fingers running along the bars of the cages. Grounders reached out to her, pulling at her clothes and hands; touching her hair. She didn't bat them off or yell at them, instead she figured she was the first human contact they had, had in while where the outsider wasn't trying to hurt them.

Byrd paused and smirked when she heard the card reader chime, her eyes moving toward the door. She met Clarke's wide eyes, her entire body still. The door to Anya's cage was wide open and the grounder was half out, the door opened slowly; the blonde pushing Anya back in before she clambered in as well. The grounders began to murmur, calling out in groans.

'Byrd,' Clarke called; 'Hide.'

'Nah,' She waved her off as she jogged over; 'I'm gonna have some fun.'

The Delani girl began to climb up the cages, hanging just on top of them as the doctor walked in. She slowly inched forward, watching as arms poked out from the cages as the doctor looked over them; confused as to why they were acting out. Byrd crept forward, waiting until the woman began to look down before she reached out a grabbed her hair with a loud groan. She was quick to yank her arm back and push herself out of sight when the woman began to look up, fear in her eyes; making it hard for her not to laugh.

The doctor quickly backed away, patting at her hair as she all but ran for the door; looking over her shoulder as she went. Byrd laughed once the woman disappeared behind the door, climbing down from the cages; trying to speak as she replayed the image in her mind. Her laughter bounced off the walls, Clarke smiling slightly as she helped Anya out of her cage. But as the blonde lead the grounder toward the large door that said, No Entrance, she didn't follow.

Guiltless Sin || John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now