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12:57 pm

"wait are you being serious?" austin's eyes widened as victoria told him what her and Mr. Arreaga talked about after class. he was surprised that he was so calm about it and a little hurt that he basically called victoria smarter than him.

"yeah! he was so chill about everything, he even started making jokes" she smiled dozing off thinking about his contagious laugh and uplifting smile. she knows that although what happened wasn't anything major but she was still so pleased about that conversation with her teacher.

"i wish a hot female teacher with anime titties would let me slide like that" austin frowned. victoria just stared over at austin.

"did you just say.........anime....titties?"

"maybe?" he looked at her and they not erupted into a fit of laughter.

"who knows maybe one day your wish will come true......creep" victoria laughed.

"so where are we going off campus tomorrow?"

"i can't actually. Mr. Arreaga offered to tutor me a bit to help me prep for finals and i think i'm gonna take him up on that offer." victoria could only imagine how difficult the school year would be with his help, let alone with out. she figured it would not only be a good thing for her to learn a few things on her hardest subject but to maybe get to know Mr. Arreaga a bit better.

"ew. tutoring? count me out. i need more guy friends."

"why guy friends?"

"cause guys don't care about being dumb, so they won't care about getting a tutor" victoria laughed along with austin.


9:20 pm

"hey since you're a complete and utter asshole to me and i'm the sweetest little angel you'll ever meet, do you wanna give me the notes for Arreaga's class?" victoria batted her eyelashes at zion, looking up at him with a big, fake smile. she pushed her head back with his index finger.

"nice try 'sweet little angel' but maybe if you pay attention in his class you won't need them" she sighed and started walking walking away.

"also, i'm not an asshole to you if anything i'm the sweet little angel" he crosses his arms like a child who just lost their toy.

"says the one who just pushed my head back and gave me whiplash" victoria laughs it's off and heads back to her room. she started thinking of all the people she could ask the notes for.

could i ask austin? hmm no, Mr. Arreaga said he always gets things wrong.

maybe that girl who has a crush on austin? i'll just force him to go on a date with her....except i don't even know her name.

well nick is smart enough to-........yea never mind that idea.

she was running out of ideas and if she didn't have to notes then she couldn't do the homework he assigned to her. that's when she remembered he offered his help to her if she needed him. if she just stays after school tomorrow, she can get the tutoring she needs and get an opportunity to socialize with Mr. Arreaga on her own time. so tomorrow instead of going during lunch when she has a limited amount of time, she's going to pass up his offer after school. with that idea settled in her head she finished off the rest of her homework from other teachers.


12:34 pm

"excuse me, Mr. Arreaga can i come after school today and get your help on some notes and last nights homework?" she cleared her throat as she spoke so quietly keeping her head down low instead of actually facing her teacher. she fiddled gently with her thumbs waiting for a response from her teacher.

"absolutely, just meet me here in my room afterwards and we can get started. how long did you have in mind?" he says, organizing papers and packing his bag for his lunch break.

"I'm not sure. how long do these sessions usually take?" victoria pushed back her long black hair behind her ear and lifted her head just a bit. she could tell Mr. Arreaga was looking at her and she felt nervous to look up.

god how in the world could i even think of studying with him when i can't even look at the man?

"however long you think you need to learn and understand what i'll be teaching you. i want you to be able to do the work with ease so you don't stress yourself out." he smiled down at victoria. although their height difference wasn't by much, she still had to look up from her feet to make eye contact with him. her immediate reaction was her smiling back warmly.

"is a couple hours too much?" she pondered. her mind was filled with a thousand thoughts all at once.

"of course not, i can do that" his smile only widened and he watched victoria's body release from its tensed up hold. he's always wondered why she's so nervous all the time. her demeanor always gives off positivity and hopes of becoming more confident but he also likes the way she stutters on her words and how she laughs her way out of an awkward conversation.

"thank you so much, i appreciate it" she walks out of the class, waving good bye. once she's out of the class she mentally face palms herself and thinks of all the ways that could've gone instead of how it did.

"how long does this usually take" i don't know victoria how about you just suggest him to stay 2 hours off his free time and literally take up his whole day. nice going.

she reaches into her pocket to check the time but realizes she left it back in Mr. Arreaga's classroom. turning back, she walks quickly to his class but on her way in she stumbles and bumps into none other then her very own teacher. when she collided with him, a heavy but small object hits the floor.....her phone. on his way out, he was going to find her and give it back to her until it cracked upon the ground. this time, she physically face palmed herself and sighed.

"victoria i am so sorry, is it broken?" Mr. Arreaga apologizes in a worried tone.

"just a little bit, but it's my fault anyway i'm literally the clumsiest person on this entire planet" she laughs, picking up her phone to check the damage. she looks at her teacher just to see that they're standing quiet close to each other. once she notices she steps back and out of the class, pushing the door back.

"well i will see you after school and thank you for my phone" she laughs gently, feeling her awkward tendencies showing.

"i mean thank you for returning my phone, not for breaking it. not that you did break it! i did but still" she laughs awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck and moving her hair. he just looks at her smiling brightly and laughing along with her, instead of at her.

"i will see you after school victoria, and again i'm so sorry" he gives her once last glance before walking off school property to his car as she just watches him.

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