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3:47 pm - Victoria

"wow brandon you live in the really nice area of town. big yards and even bigger houses." victoria drove slowly on the road looking for his house.

"yeah well i saved up a bit, worked some extra jobs and now here i am" he said. she stopped right in front of his house, staring in awe at its beautiful decor.

it was a two story house painted light blue with black and beige mixed stone pillars. his driveway led to the front of his doorstep and followed to the garage. he had large glass windows set up in front that showed a clear view of the neat and tidy inside of his house. there were trees that stood tall with large bushes of flowers surrounding his house. victoria just sat in her car taking in the beautiful scenery in front of her.

"brandon....can i ask you something crazy?" she asked.

"of course"

"do you sell? cause you cant buy this on a teacher's salary" she said taking her eyes off of his house and averting them to his.

"victoria!" he laughed, widening his eyes.

"sorry!" she put her hands up in defense

"hey, don't go blowing my cover now" he pointed his finger at her and winked. they laughed and brandon started to unbuckle his seatbelt. victoria knew he had to go but she didn't want to say goodbye to him just yet.

"thank you for the ride victoria" he said opening the door and getting out. she had to hunk fast if she wanted to be around him any longer.

"uhh wait!" she blurted out. her mind was trying to come up with what to say next as he stood outside the car waiting for her response.

"may i use your restroom?" she asked.

"of course, follow me." he went to the other side and opened her door for her.


4:00 pm - Nick

"honey i'm home!" nick yelled out expecting edwin or victoria to come down the stairs. when there was no response, not even shuffling upstairs he went to investigate.

he knocked on victoria's door and upon no answer he pushed it open slightly to find it empty. he walked down the hallway and pushed open edwins door and heard the water from his bathroom running. he closed the door and went straight to the guest room where he slept.

nick dropped his backpack and gym bag next to the door and pulled out his phone.

yo wya?

don't trip, i'll be home in 20.

bring home some food and i'll pay you once you get here. pretty please? for me?

only for you 'carter'

'oNlY fOr yOu cARteR' faceass, hurry up and get home i'm starving.

nick put his phone down and decided after a long workout, he'd take a shower too.


3:54 - Victoria

after washing her hands, victoria fixed her hair.

"should i try to come up with another reason to stay with him for a bit longer?" she thought to herself. that's when she got a text from nick.

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