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3:05 pm

there brandon was sitting at his desk doing something on his computer when victoria walked in and laid something on his desk. a granola bar.

"a granola bar?" he questioned, looking up at her.

"well i always get hungry after school and i know you don't always leave on your lunch break so i bought us both a granola bar." she said smiling and placing her things out on his desk.

"well thank you, that's very sweet of you miss honoret." he said unwrapping the snack.

"you're very welcome...bajinjo" she snickered saying the last part. brandon almost choked on the food in his mouth when she mentioned his old high school nickname.

"how do you know about that?" he asked grabbing a water bottle.

"you put it in your senior quote which is in the yearbook in the school library." she laughed. "bajinjo is outta this piece" she laughed more hysterically now, remembering the quote she read earlier.

"i thought i was funny in high school okay! maybe i underestimated myself just a little" he said trying to suppress a laugh as well.

"i wonder if you ever knew you'd be making one of your students laugh at that one day" she said.

"in all honesty, i had no clue i was going to even be a teacher. in fact i had a whole different career pathway planned out for my life." his head seemed to sink a little in disappointment, reminiscing on what could have been.

"what was your original plan?" victoria pried.

he looked back at her, "don't laugh okay." she nodded her head and took a bite of her granola bar. "it was my dream to be in a band or become a solo artist."

"why didn't you try?" she asked.

"oh trust me, i did but sometimes it's better to be practical and serious rather than foolish and gullible." he answered.

"oh come on, if teaching isn't something you like doing, why would you spend the rest of your life doing it?" she tried to inspire him.

"you have a point... but i'm not even sure that I'm good at doing what i love anymore. i haven't played an instrument or sang professionally in years." disappointment showed again as he spoke but he still tried to keep positive.

"i wonder what you sounded like... as a teenager. the way you played, the way you sang...i wonder what you sound like now." victoria rested her head in her palm, leaning on her arm and looked across the table to her teacher.

"well i might have a video of me singing back in the day..." he said unlocking his phone.

"shut up! you do?!" she stood up excitedly and hurried to his side of the desk. he went to his camera roll and showed her this video:

"brandon! what the hell! you sang so well! and you're so obviously passionate about it, why did you ever stop?" victoria asked him as she sat herself down on his desk.

"my parents weren't too sure about how serious i was about singing but i love to do it and i know i should start again but where do i even start from?" he asked looking up at her.

"well do you still have all that equipment?" she said referring to the sound systems and microphone in the video.

"yeah, all in boxes in my apartment"

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