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Same night where we left off...

"There's so much to say. Where should I start?" She asked putting her fork down onto his coffee table. She laid back onto the cushion and turned her head towards him.

"Tell me anything you feel comfortable talking about. Your family, friends, hobbies, favorite things. Anything." He said obviously invested in what she had to say.

"Well, as you know, I have one brother; Edwin. He's one of the people I trust most even though he can be a handful, like a lot." They laughed, "When we were little kids, we attended the same elementary school and people would make fun of him because of how scrawny he used to be, so I would get involved a lot. We had to go to classes called "intervention" which was basically for kids to be isolated from the other classes. Every intervention class was small. Only the bad kids and the ones who got bullied were put in there." She explained.

"I'm guessing you were a bad kid?" He asked, laughing.

"I had to be!" She laughed, "There were kids twice the size of me and my brother put together that would push him around and call him names, so eventually I started doing to them what they did to him. At first, it just started off as pushing them back until one day this really large kid named Joseph hit my brother from behind his head, without warning." Victoria turned her whole body towards Brandon now, in the same position he sat in.

"So when he walked in front of us, laughing with his friends and teasing my brother, I made Edwin take my little rolling, Dora backpack so I could attack Joseph." She started laughing hysterically.

"You actually attacked him? How?" He asked laughing.

"I jumped onto his back and wrapped my arms around his neck and when he finally stopped fumbling around, I started punching his head and his back until he pulled my hair so hard I basically fell off of him." At this point, Brandon was laughing as hard as she was just picturing a little girl fighting a much larger bully.

"You fell off of this kid?" He asked.

"Well he basically dragged me like a rag doll." She pointed out, "I jumped up from off the ground and ran towards him, but he just pushed me back onto the floor once he saw me. Then something really great happened." She said starting to smile.

"As if everything that just went down wasn't already great, but continue." He smiled back.

"I looked up and saw two tiny, little twig boys punching his back as hard as they could, although I'm sure it barely phased him at all. It was my brother and some random little white guy. Joseph obviously man-handled them until a teacher finally came and broke it all up. So we all sat outside the principal's office, my braids all messed up, Edwin with an ice pack on his arm, and that other little boy with a scraped knee." She laughed at the picture of three kids roughed up.

"Who was the other little boy?" Brandon asked.

"My ride or die, besides Edwin. Austin." She smiled proudly. Brandon looked shocked but happy.

"So how come Austin jumped in if he didn't even know you two?" He asked.

"He said because Joseph and his friends used to pick on him too for being so skinny, so when he saw someone actually getting back at him, he was inspired to help." She kept that same smile on her face.

"So you two have been pretty close for a long time now, huh?" Brandon asked.

"Yeah. He isn't technically related by blood but he sure is family." She said, "But now it's your turn. Tell me something I should know about you, preferably something equally embarrassing so I don't look stupid."  She said resting her head on her arm.

"When I was younger, my sister, Halie and I had a tree house that was just above our neighbors backyard and every year on Halloween we would do something to scare their kids because we didn't like them. Brandon started telling her, "At first we'd just throw things at them and yell 'boo' but once we got older, our scaring skills became A1. There was this one really funny Halloween when we got them so good" He grabbed a pillow from behind him and laid it in his lap. Brandon leaned forward with an excited look on his face.

"In tenth grade, Halie and I used our karaoke machine and she would make random noises into the microphone until they walked into their backyard, then we would really get to scaring them." He said.

"What would you guys do?" She asked leaning in, interested in his story.

"Once they were outside, I grabbed little pebbles we had collected earlier that day and threw them close to where they were standing or in their bushes. They looked around all freaked out but I think they were onto us because they looked up at the tree house."

"Did they see you and Halie?" Victoria asked.

"No, thank goodness. I made her duck and turn off the mini flashlight we had so they wouldn't spot us." Brandon said, "After we got up Halie turned the volume on the machine up but whispered their names into the mic and they actually believed it was real because they started saying stuff like 'who's there' and 'we have guns in our house' so of course, we kept messing with them." He said.

"I put Halie's cardboard cut out of Justin Timberlake against our fence right before it got dark and said into the mic, 'I can see you' and one of the kids said, 'oh yeah, then what am I doing right now?' so he started jumping up and down and I said, 'jumping up and down' then he stopped so I said, 'don't make me give you a real reason to jump.' and threw another pebble in their bush. When it moved, they looked right at the cut out and started screaming." Brandon laughed so hard, he was gasping for air.

"You're kidding! And did they ever find out it was you?" She laughed along with him, playfully pushing his arm.

"Well that's the even funnier part, Halie and I were laughing so much that we laughed into the mic and they found out we were in the tree house all alone. They told their parents and we got grounded for a month, but it was worth it if you ask me." Brandon said.

"So I guess I'm not the only bad kid, huh?" Victoria said.

"Well technically it was both my sister and I being bad kids so its fifty- fifty for me." He joked.

"That's cute but I don't think that's how it works, Brandon." She tilted her head and smiled at him.

"I'm technically your teacher which means I make up the rules and I say it does work that way." He smiled widely, almost letting out a laugh. 

"You can't be my teacher right now though." She said in an almost hushed voice, leaning closer to him.

"And why is that?" He asked in the same tone, leaning closer towards her.

"Because then, I wouldn't be able to kiss you." She looked down at his lips when she said "kiss" and back up to his eyes.

"You do make a good point." He smirked dragging his eyes slowing down the features of her face, "Maybe you should take advantage of the fact that I'm not your teacher right now and kiss me." Brandon hinted at her.

They leaned into each other slowly and kept exchanging looks between their lips and their eyes, building the fire they had for each other. Finally, as their lips touched, Brandon held the right side of her face in his hands and pulled her closer to him. Victoria held his wrist gently and let her lips form into a smile. 


checkpoint for another long chapter lol

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