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11:08 pm - same night

victoria lay in her bed, looking through her phone and texting her friends when she saw the message between her and her teacher, brandon arreaga. she still couldn't believe she has his phone number, something that is so easily given out but yet still so personal. her mind wondered to fantasying about him as she did so every here and there until a sudden feeling overpowered her. guilt.

she knew this was wrong. her feelings for brandon were overwhelming her. the moves she was making on him. all of it was wrong and she knew it but something inside her also knew that no matter what was wrong or right, she wanted him.

"you can't make a pass on your own teacher victoria"  her conscious told her. she sighed loudly and put her hand over her forehead when there was a knock on her door.

"come in" she said.

he cleared his throat before speaking, "hey vicky" nick said walking up to her bed.

"hi nick" she sat up in her bed and made room for him to sit down, patting the newly open spot on her mattress. he just stood there, his posture tensed up and awkward. victoria noticed that he was uncomfortable and started to feel bad about what happened in the basement.

"is everything okay?" she asked coyly.

"yeah i just wanted to ask you something.." he said, "don't tell edwin about today because then he's just going to make a big deal about it and i don't want him to think anything."

"yeah of course, my lips are sealed." she mimicked zipping her lips and locking them shut then threw away the imaginary key and laughed. nick let out a small laugh too.

"also, can we just forget what happened? please?" the tone of his voice seemed desperate and pleading. victoria felt even worse about making fun of him. she had to make it up to him somehow.

"what time is it?" she asked without answering his question.

"it's like eleven. why?" he asked looking down at his phone.

"perfect! come with me." she got off her bed and grabbed a sweater and her keys. nick followed right behind her confused. they went down stairs and walked towards the front door where their shoes were. victoria started slipping her shoes on and nick did the same, still unsure of what she was doing.

they walked outside, welcomed by a cool breeze in the hot night air. victoria unlocked her car and they got in together.

"victoria it's late, maybe we should do this tomorrow. we still have school tomorrow." nick suggested.

"oh since when have you ever gone to sleep early on a school night?" she kept her eyes on the road, focusing as she made a right turn. he chuckled and let her continue on her route.

"can i at least know where we're going?" he asked looking out the window.

"i can't tell you that, a murder never tells the victim where they're going to be killed." she joked.

"you aren't funny and i hope you know that" he laughed.

"oh really? is that why you're laughing?" she looked over quickly and poked his cheek. he moved his head to the side and they laughed. a moment shared between the two that wasn't awkward and tense since earlier today.

"okay so since you won't tell me where we're going, can you at least tell me what time we'll go back?" nick asked.

"technically, i'll be the one going back while you're buried in a ditch somewhere in the middle of nowhere." she teased him again.

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