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12:54 am

"what? he has an ice machine? i've never even seen it! i wonder if he has a secret snack stash too, find out so we can take some." austin said jokingly

"first, its like hidden in the back and second, no weirdo be quiet" victoria laughed alone with austin. she had just told him about the days she's been studying with Mr. Arreaga and all the things she's felt.

"do you actually learn anything when you study one-on-one with him or are you too distracted? i mean if a teacher i had a crush on was helping me study everyday after school, i'd be pretty nervous around them."

"i actually do, despite my nerves and totally awkward personality. i mean he's so calm and if i don't understand something he won't get mad, he'll just help me to understand plus he's so much different after school. during class he may be uptight and what not but after school he's pretty funny."

"wow, you made him become a different man vicky" even though victoria knew he was joking, she still got excited to hear that from him.

"haha you're not funny" she mocked sarcastically.

"hope you're still taking those birth control pills vic"

"wha- austin! shut up!" she laughed.

"i can imagine you hitting me right now for saying that"

"yeah! i think you deserve it." she heard a bang come from downstairs followed by glass breaking.
"austin those idiots broke something, i'll see you tomorrow"

"bye v" she hung up the phone and went downstairs quickly after hearing yet another bang.

"guys what the hell are you do-" she was interrupted as a whiffle ball came flying at her and hit the side of her neck. she coughed regaining air and wiped away a few sudden tears.

"oh shit! vicky are you okay?" nick said rushing towards her, edwin following right after. she kept coughing and edwin brought her some water.

"you guys.......are seriously...........assholes" she managed out between coughs and sips of water. nick helped her to the nearest chair and got her an ice pack. edwin got a tee shirt from the laundry room and wrapped it around the ice pack handing it to victoria to put on her now visibly bruised neck.

"edwin...they're gonna think victoria's home life is dangerous" nick said with wide eyes.

"calm down, she has make up she can use to cover it. right v?" edwin asked. she just nodded her head and went up stairs to her room.

"hey! clean up the broken glass before my home life gets any more dangerous than it is right now!" she joked closing the door right behind her.


11:24 am

"did you meet Mr. Arreaga last night or what" austin nudged her arm and she had no idea what he was talking about. he glanced down at her neck and she opened her phone camera to look at what he meant. as soon as she realized what he was talking about she quickly dug into her backpack to get her makeup and beauty blender.

"Mr. Arreaga, may i use the restroom" he peeked over to her quickly but did a double take when he saw what she must've been referring to. he smiled trying to keep in his laugh.

"go ahead victoria" he said looking down, sill trying not to laugh. she rushed out of the class and to the bathroom, avoiding anyone who walked past her. once she got into the bathroom she checked the stall for any feet and closed the door.

why didn't i see this earlier?! have i looked like this all day? what do people think of me now? IT LOOKS LIKE I HAVE A HICKEY ON MY NECK.

she rushed to apply the makeup to the bruise on her neck while thinking of all the ways to get back at edwin and nick for giving her the bruise in the first place. after she finished she went back to class and sat at her desk, finishing her work. austin still glancing at her with a sly smirk on his face.

"you didn't answer my question victoria"

"there is nothing to answer austin" she didn't look up at him as she tried to resume looking as normal as possible.

"well then don't tell me everything that happens during your tutoring session" he snickered as she playfully hit his arm.


3:12 pm

"sorry i'm late Mr. Arreaga" victoria placed all her things down on the desk he set up next to his (per usual) and began situating herself for today's lesson.

"do you need help victoria? so if your brother sees he won't get mad" he sat at the edge of his desk, gripping onto the edge smiling down at her. she just looked up at him with a confused gaze.

"well i can't help but notice that hickey on your neck," he snickered, "I know a few remedies on how to remove them right away" she got up and went to a near by window to glance at her neck once again. she mentally cursed herself but just rubbed the bruise.

"believe it or not this isn't a hickey, it's a bruise." she laughed awkwardly.

"a bruise? how?" Mr. Arreaga said grabbing a baggy and some ice.

"well my brother and his best friend were playing with a whiffle ball in the house —smart asses— and surprise surprise someone got hurt" she said pointing to herself, leaning back on the ledge behind her.

"wow you can really take a blow then i guess" he said holding the baggy of ice to her neck as she tied up her long, slightly tangled hair. it wasn't until she finished tying her hair that she noticed how close they were to each other. how when she touched his hand to grab onto the bag, he seemed to tense up, even though it was subtle. victoria just looked at his eyes as a small smile started to grow, him blinking his eyes and clearing his throat.

"so i'm guessing you were friends with the ladies then huh?" victoria joked as he sat back on the table of a nearby desk.

"well maybe a little bit, why?" he smiled, adjusting his glasses.

"well you said you know some remedies for a hickey, something i myself don't even know" she said while laughing. "tell me about your high school days"

"well maybe i did have a couple girlfriends when i was younger and time wasn't so harsh on me" Mr. Arreaga joked.

"oh please, time isn't even harsh on you now, look at you" victoria's eyes widened as she looked down suddenly feeling like as if one thousand eyes were watching her. her palms began to become slightly clammy and her cheeks felt hot.



hey kitty girls, so cliffhanger tonight cause i gotta do it to ya one time🤷🏻‍♀️

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