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12:37 am ~ The same night.

"Bye, thank you for coming over." Victoria said hugging Marcy as she had to go home.

"Thank you for having me, I had fun tonight." Marcy said hugging her back.

"Good night Nick." Marcy stood on her toes to give him a hug.

"Good night Marcy, get home safe." He bent down slightly to hug her back. To the boys, this looked like nothing more than just a hug between two friends but to Victoria.... well she was ready to play cupid.

Marcy and Zion left from the back gate and Austin, Edwin, Victoria, and Nick continued their movie marathon.

"I'm going inside for a snack, you guys want anything?" Victoria asked the boys.

"Get me a hot pocket." Edwin said.

"Oh me too!" Nick shouted.

"Nick can you come with me?" Victoria asked.

"Why?" He asked back, not looking away from the movie.

"Okay, I'll rephrase that, Nick come with me." She walked up behind him and smacked his shoulder.

"Ow! Okay! I'm coming grouchy pants." He whined, rubbing the spot where she hit him. They walked into the kitchen and Victoria pulled him inside, quickly closing the door behind them.

"So? Did anything happen tonight?" Victoria shrugged him.

"What do you mean?" Nick asked walking over to their freezer.

"You know? With Marcy?" Victoria hinted. Nick grabbed the hot pockets from the freezer and turned around to look at Victoria. His face read genuine confusion as he had no idea as to what she was talking about.

Victoria just looked back at him with her eyebrows raised and a jetty look in her eyes. That's when it hit him. He had lied to her and she was starting to uncover his tracks. The night they both stayed up talking to each other, he told her he had a crush on Marcy to avoid saying Victoria's name instead. He still wanted to avoid that so he thought of two ways he could continue this conversation with her.

One, he plays along with it and doesn't mention much; stays vague in detail. Two, he lies about Marcy and says he's over her. Which ever one he chooses, he would still be lying to one of his best friends. Can you guess which one he picked?

"Oh! Yeah! So much happened actually!" Nick played along.

"Are you gonna make me beat it out of you or are you gonna tell me everything?" She said excitedly. Nick started to mess around with his fingers because he knows he isn't a very good liar. Rest assured, Victoria isn't very good at spotting lies so he knew if he could make it reasonably believable but dreamy enough for a girl to like, he would be in the clear.

"Well when I handed her a drink, her....... uhmm.." Nick said struggling to think of something.

"What? Did she give you a flirty look? Did she touch your hand?" She asked, still clearly interested in the outcome of his story.

"Yes! Both!" Nick agreed nervously, relieved he finally had an answer for her. "And I did the same thing back to her but I'm so out of game I'm pretty sure that when I gave her a look back, I scared her more than I turned her on." Victoria started laughing.

"Is that all?" Victoria asked. 

"Yep, oh and that hug she gave me when she left but that was nothi-" He was cut off.

"Oh my gosh I was literally just thinking about that!" Victoria said clearly excited.

"Yeah me too, that's why I mentioned it!" Nick played along. He thought it was funny how Victoria was telling the story for him and she didn't even notice. 

"I can tell she definitely has a crush on you, I think you just have to make more moves." Victoria grabbed the hot pockets and started walking outside.

Nick stayed behind and thought about what she said. Does Marcy actually have a crush on Nick? Girls can usually tell when other girls like boys can't they? So why would Victoria be lying about this? Even though he wasn't completely sure if Marcy even had a tiny bit of feelings for him, he still wondered if he should try to shoot his shot with her since it was obvious that things weren't going to go far for him and Victoria. Couldn't hurt to try could it?

"Are you coming?" Victoria asked. Nick nodded his head and grabbed his things.

Wednesday the following week, 6:28 pm

Victoria had just woken up from her after school nap and noticed it was already dark outside. She turned on her lights and just laid back in bed adjusting her eyes. She checked her phone but immediately put it under her pillow because she knew if she didn't get up and do her homework, she would never get it done. 

She was grabbing her laptop from her bag when she heard a noise from under her pillow. A notification which she simply ignored. 

A few minutes later as she was setting up her papers and books, she got another notification. 

And another.

And another.

She got curious as to who was texting her relentlessly she just got up and turned on her phone. It was Brandon. She put her homework on hold for a little while. He was asking her what time she wanted to go over to his house on Saturday and what she wanted to do.

"I think it's pretty obvious what I want to do" she thought to herself. She simply told him that she wouldn't mind watching a movie or having dinner together. Before she sent her text, she started to think about what Austin was saying. How this thing between them could end horribly for both of them. He could get into serious trouble with the school AND the law. Her reputation would be tainted terribly for she would be known as someone who takes the easy way out.

On the other hand, she wanted to be happy. She's had a serious relationship before and even though it was wonderful, it was also exhausting so having a little fling with someone older and more mature would be a different experience for her. Brandon probably wasn't even looking for a relationship with Victoria anyway, which she was one hundred percent okay with. 

She sent the text and they talked about the details.  


I'm not even gonna apologize for not posting in so long because I'm probably gonna do it again LMAO

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