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"Hey Bicky! I told you I'd see you later." Joesph winks at her as he prepares something behind the counter. Edwin starts next to Victoria and looks down at her. She looks up at him with narrowed eyes.

"You hungry yet or did the apple and the twinkie fill you up?" Joesph asks clearly ignoring the tension between the two siblings.


Victoria just stands there not sure what to say as Joesph is standing in her kitchen, chopping up some fruits. She gives Edwin a quick look. Edwin throws his hands up in defense.

"I think I'll be fine until dinner, thanks anyway." She says insincerely.

"Perfect. You'll love what I have planned for dinner." Joesph says, still focusing on his task.

"What?" Is all she says.

"Yeah.. I asked Joe to stay for dinner and when I told him we were just gonna order pizza, he offered to make it for us." Edwin says.

"I've been brushing up on my culinary skills because I'm taking a new cooking class this year." Joesph explained.

"Fascinating.." Victoria says, "Look, I have homework to do so I'll just be upstairs." She walks out of the kitchen and Edwin follows behind her.

"Victoria.." Edwin calls her. She stops and turns around.

"Edwin you're pushing my limit with this guy." She says.

"I know, I know but Joe dropped Nick off and Nick asked if he could come in. I didn't wanna say no and be rude." He whispered.

"So he can shame you about your body and practically bully you into gaining weight but you can't say 'hey man, not tonight'?" Victoria whispered back.

"I thought we were gonna drop that." Edwin said.

"You can but I don't want to. He literally pretends like nothing happened." Victoria points out.

"We'll finish this talk later okay? Just go entertain your guest." She grabs the backpack she dropped on the couch and jogs upstairs, pulling out her cellphone and dialing Austin's number.

After a few rings the call picks up.

"Hello?..." The like picks up.

"Austin thank god, you'll never believe the giant roach I just caught in the kitchen right no-"

"Just kidding, leave a message you gullible imbecile." His outgoing voice mail message continues. Victoria forgot he changed it after someone kept prank calling him and he thought this was a way to "give them a taste of their own medicine".

"Call me back gringito." She says, hanging up.

Victoria is a little disappointed until she remembers that Austin and Clarita had plans after school. Of course, she never thought he would go through with it considering how Austin felt the need to ask his last girlfriend if he could hug her before he did.

She threw her phone on her bed and sighed walking over to her hamper and taking off the clothes she had on from today and putting on something more comfortable. Suddenly her phone went off.

I realized I didn't say this earlier but thank you for my snacks you brought today.

Although Victoria was frustrated, she couldn't help but smile at the fact that Brandon appreciates the little things.

You didn't have to say thank you, it was really no problem at all🥺

And you didn't have to get those for me but yet, here we are

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