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1:22 am

there victoria lay in her bed looking at her dark ceiling. her drapes were open a bit so the moonlight struck through like a blade in a cut. she couldn't stop thinking about what happened between her and Mr. Arreaga. she felt as if what happened was wrong but a tiny part of her loved every second because she knew just how wrong it was. the thoughts she had standing so close to him were so sinful they would only be recited between two lovers, not between a man and a high school girl.

peering out of her window she still couldn't shake this feeling since that moment. a feeling she wasn't very familiar but had been longing for, not just from her teacher but from a man in general. wanting. being there with Mr. Arreaga made her want him but she felt as if he wanted her as well.

of course why would he, a grown man with his life situating out the way he wants it to, want a high school girl to come into the picture and disrupt everything he has going for him? he wouldn't. so why did she think he actually looked at her in a different way even in the slightest? because of how she felt. not him.

quickly losing focus of what was passing on in her mind, victoria went downstairs hearing the tv on from the bottom of the staircase. she stared at the doorway of the living room wondering who was in there watching tv at this hour on a school night. as she began walking over a hand gently touched her shoulder. caught off guard, she didn't think it would be nick of all people.

"nick? why are you still at my house? do your parents never want you home?" she laughed.

"edwin and i were trying to finish a book report we had together but we fell asleep and it's too late to drive home now" he said. "why are you awake?" she headed over to the stools at the counter top table and sat down.

"just couldn't sleep that's all"

"are you doing okay? need to talk to someone?" he asked taking a seat next to her.

"well...i feel this major guilt because i know this secret between my friend and an older man." victoria lied to cover up her own life.

"well what is it?" nick pushed.

"my friend....."karen"...... has a crush on an older man but this older man already has his life planned out and i'm pretty sure it doesnt include "karen" and "karen" knows that too but she likes to think he wants her as bad as she wants him. so far they've only had one interaction that makes it seem as if they're attracted to each other. today "karen" and this guy were standing so close to each other that they could literally hear each other's heart beats. it was like a scene from a movie when a girl and a boy are staring into the others eyes and they suddenly feel this connection but "karen" doesn't know if it's just one sided. should she let it go because it wouldn't work out anyway? or try to see if anything would come out of it?" she tells nick.

"well if that's who karen wants fully, tell her to go for it but if she is reconsidering, push her to find partnership in someone closer to her age. someone who will follow along life the same time she does. let her look around, maybe she already has someone in her life who admires her for who she is and wants to get to love her the way she deserves it." he advises her.

"aww nick that was actually really heart warming. i didn't think you knew how to be a sweetheart" victoria grabs his knee standing up to get some fruit from the fridge. he looks down at his knee and let's his eyes follow her.

"now that you've got your advice from me, i need some from you." nick turns to her.

"ask me anything" victoria says letting him have a bite from her apple.

"so i like this girl-"

"what? you like a girl? who!!" she pries excitedly. nick quickly tries to muster up a name, any name just so he can tell this story.

"marcy! umm- a girl named marcy who-"

"omg marcy hernandez?!" she says again, very excitedly. nick has a confused look on his face almost questioning how he forgot there was a girl named marcy at their school.

"yes..?" he asks more than states.

"okay sorry, go on" victoria sits back down and brings on knee up against her chest to lie her chin on and her other leg dangles from the stool.

"well i don't think "marcy" likes me in the same way i like her and considering i'm good friends with her brother, i'm sure her brother wouldn't like if i tried to make a move on her. should i try to get her to see me the way i see her though? even if it means defying her brother?" nick looks closely at victoria's face, studying it for a sign of any expression.

"like you told me, "karen" should try to get the person she desires, you nick should definitely try to find your way into marcy's heart. you're a sweet guy who has nothing but good intentions and you deserve to be with the person that makes you happy."

at this point victoria's chair was scooted closer to nicks. even though it was dark and not that visible, she still found his hand and held it, pulling it so he could hug her. nicks shirtless upper half was warm and she rubbed his back softly as he did the same to her.

"i hope marcy opens her eyes soon enough to see that you two belong together" she says as they pull apart.

"yeah," he gives her entire face a glance, letting his eyes look closer at her beautiful facial structure. "me too"

"well i think it's time we go to back to sleep" she says as they walk up the stairs to their rooms. she approaches her door and looks back at nick as he approaches the guest bedroom door.

"night vicky" he says with a warm smile.

"good night nick" she closes her door behind her.

as she plops down into her bed she just looks back up at the ceiling again. she smiles intently thinking back to what nick said. although he may not have known it, "karen" was just a cover name for herself. knowing nick advised that if "the older guy" makes her happy, she should go for him and that's exactly what she was going to do.

nick sat in the chair at the vanity mirror in the room letting millions of thoughts come across him. as oblivious as victoria was, "marcy" was a cover up name for her. he wouldn't dare let her know that he has liked her for some time now and he would never let edwin know he has a crush on his little sister but knowing that if she advised him to go after someone no matter what, he was going to do just that. he was going to find his way into victoria's heart.

they both wanted the same thing. a person to love them the same way they love that person but they had different people in mind. so the question was, how messy was this going to get?

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