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Austin followed Victoria out of her room and found her texting someone when he caught up to her in her parents room.

"I hope you aren't texting Mr. Arreaga." Austin stood in the doorway, arms crossed.

"Storytime?" Victoria offered.

"Well of course." He sat down on one side of the bed and looked up at Victoria, giving her all his attention.

She stood on the other side of the bed and told him everything that happened in the market. How they ran into each other, flirted harmlessly, and made plans to hang out next weekend.

"Okay but why are you two suddenly so bold? You guys went from weekly study sessions to a first date?" Austin asked.

"Well not exactly." She says.

"So this isn't your guys' first date?" He asks.

"Yes it is, if you can even call it that, but we didn't exactly study during our last session."

"Oh my gosh! I hope you're not telling me you fu-" Victoria shoved a pillow in his face mid-sentence, stopping him from continuing that sentence.

"No! We didn't do that! We just made out a little bit!" She whisper screamed.

"Oh dear God, I almost screamed." He started laughing.

"You already were screaming dummy, I'm sure the neighbors heard this conversation!" Victoria smacked the side of his head. He rubbed the spot she hit and rolled his eyes.

"So you're going to our teachers house to make s'mores and talk under a romantically dim and flickering fire?" Austin tried to point out what was wrong with that sentence, technically with the whole situation in general but, Victoria just nodded her head and started walking out of the room.

"Victoria you're going to get this man arrested and thrown into jail!" Austin stood up and followed her.

"That's only if we do anything," She stopped and turned around to face Austin, looking around to make sure no one was near her," "Rated R" she whispered and continued down the stairs.

"And I'm pretty sure we won't." She said.

"Pretty sure or you know you won't?" Austin asked as they stepped outside into the backyard.

"Don't trip, okay? I know how to set boundaries Austin. I'm a big girl, remember?" She took one end of the blanket while Austin took the other and they laid it on the chair.

"Actually, you're still pretty little to me." Edwin put his arm around her and messed up her hair.

"Awww does Vicky's big brother love his wittle sister?" Nick said coming out of the back shed with a mini stand-up fire pit.

"No, never that" Edwin said pushing Victoria away right after.

"Aww but I wuv you bruda" Victoria made kissy sounds  and puppy dog eyes, teasing him.

"What am I witnessing?" Zion said walking through the back gate.

"He's here!" Austin said helping him carry some things he brought.

"And just him, correct?" Nick asked putting coal into the mini stand up fire pit.

"Welllll...." Zion trailed off.

"Zion we specifically told you not to bring your douchebag friends around." Nick said.

"Well thank God I'm not one of the guys." A small but sassy voice said out of nowhere.

Marcy Hernandez

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Marcy Hernandez.

18 years old

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18 years old.

"Marcy!" Victoria started walking over to her to take the pillows from her hands.

"Marcy I'm so—" Nick stopped talking mid-sentence after tripping on the mini stand up fire place. He gathered his balance again and stood up casually, hoping no one would say anything. Of course boys will be boys....

"Good one Nick" Edwin patted his back.

"Hey, did you have a nice trip?" Austin started laughing.

"Yeah, real smooth huh?" Zion laughed too. Nick rolled his eyes and picked up the cooler from Marcy's hand and pillows from Victoria's.

"What do you guys want to drink?" Nick asked walking back inside into the kitchen.

"Do you guys have that good sip sip?" Zion asked smirking and winking aggressively.

"Chill out tweaker. We do but there's a key to the cabinet and our parents would die if we tried breaking into it" Edwin said.

"Just bring some waters and the soda cans in the basement." Victoria said as Nick started closing the sliding door.

"Oh wow, you guys have a basement?" Marcy asked.

"And an attic too, you know, for spooky effect" Edwin added.

"We keep them clean though, so they don't really have that 'spooky' element to them." Victoria said, "But trust me, we've used them to trick people on Halloween."

"And by people, she means Nick." Edwin added again.

"When we were younger, Nick would spend Halloween with us and we'd take him into the attic to play games. Victoria would hide up there and make noises while him and I played with some toys and it freaked him out all the time." Edwin said.

"He ended up finding out that we were playing tricks on him so one time he raced out of the attic and closed the door on us before we could get out to get back at us." Victoria laughed.

"And it worked. They were practically yelling at me through the door to let them out." Nick said coming from behind Victoria. Her eyes widened and she slightly jolted in surprise.

"See, I still scare her." Nick joked.

"I hate to break it to you, you scare everyone... even your mirror." Marcy joked around putting the sodas into the cooler with ice.

"Straight face gang. I did not laugh." Nick rolled his eyes playfully.

"I did." Victoria butted in.

"Okay can we get this movie started?" Austin asked lighting the fire and setting it in the middle of all the chairs.

"What are we even watching?" Zion asked.

"Let's watch a scary movie." Marcy suggested.

"Our scary stories got her in the spooky mood." Edwin said to Victoria.

"Or maybe it's because I want a big, strong boy to hold me so I don't get scared." She batted her eyelashes.

"I gotchu." Zion said.

"Not you," She shoved him away, "I meant Victoria, silly." They started laughing.

"Well now we have to watch a scary movie so I can protect Marcy." Victoria said sitting next to her.

"Fine. We'll watch Paranormal Activity. The whole series." Austin said typing it into his laptop. They say down around each other,  watched the movie, occasionally making s'mores and laughing.


If you recall, Marcy was mentioned in an early chapter (#9) as Nick's "crush". This is her character introduction.

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