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2:47 pm

"Hey Victoria .." Mrs Truman called.

"Yes Ma'am?" Victoria asked.

Victoria had gotten switched out of her 7th period class which means she had a free period to do whatever she wanted until she met up with Brandon. She usually volunteered to help out in the office, with other teachers, or in the library which was where she was now.

Mrs. Truman is the schools librarian. She's forty-seven but still kickin like she's twenty. Her and Victoria get along well because they practically have the same personality.

"Can you put these books back into the shelves where they belong?" Mrs. Truman brings out a cart full of books.

"Sure thing." Victoria pulls the book cart away when Mrs. Truman calls for her again.

"Oh and sweetie," She says, Victoria turning around, "You can call me 'ma'am' when I hit my fifties but until then, don't make me feel old." She says.

"You? Old? We've never heard of her." Victoria says before walking to the shelves. The bookcases are all the way in the back of the library. They stand tall with long aisles with lots of choices of genres to choose from. Usually, Victoria likes coming to the shelves because it's secluded and quieter in the back. She tries to get a book on a high up shelf without messing up the others around it but can't do it until a hand grabs the book and does it for her. She turns around quickly.

"Nick!" Victoria sounds excited and genuinely joyful to see him until she sees who's standing behind him. Joesph.

"You were gonna drop those other books on you Vic." Nick laughs, giving her a side hug.

"Oops, my fault.." She says in a monotone voice, looking down to avoid Joesph.

"Didn't know you worked in the library, Bicky." Joesph says.

"I just help out around here from time to time. That's it." She says dryly.

"Anyway, do you want to come with us to the gas station right now? Or will you get in trouble?" Nick asks.

"Sure, I'll come. It'll finally give us an opportunity to hang out." Victoria pushes the cart past Joesph and pulls Nick to her side leaving Joesph to walk behind them because of how narrow the walkway is between shelves.

"Good, we haven't had time to catch up." Joesph walks close behind them and puts his arms over both of their shoulders as he stands taller over both of them. Victoria obviously didn't think that situation through.

"Yay me." She mumbles to herself.


The three of them walk out to the student parking lot, Victoria following them. Joesph gets some keys out of his pocket and she hears a car unlock its doors.

"Wait we're taking his car?" Victoria asks Nick.

"Yes, we're taking my car." Joesph answers. She looks at him briefly but doesn't say anything back.

"Nick how about you get in the back so Bicky can ride up front." Joesph says opening her door for her.

"It's fine, I don't mind sitting in the back." She says approaching the car.

"Well it's messy back there and I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable." He says with a smile, looking down at her and still holding her door open.

"We wouldn't want that now, would we." She states getting into the passengers seat. He closes the door and gets into the drivers seat, still smiling at Victoria as he shifts gears.

Teacher's Pet {b.a}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora