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"You guys think we can sneak off and leave at half time?" Nick asked Edwin and Victoria as they walked into their school's gym trying to find Austin.

"Oh please, Austin will tense up and get all awkward if we go buy a water, there's no way he'll allow us to leave him alone with someone of the opposite sex for more than 2 minutes." Victoria said.

"You're someone of the opposite sex." Edwin said.

"That flat chest says otherwise. That's a whole ass little boy." Nick chimes in.

"Okay then, let's size up and we can see who's really the little boy here." She punched his arm.

"Can you guys shut up? We just pasted a teacher and you're talking about sizing up,.... creep." Edwin tells Victoria.

"Hey! Tell that to shark teeth." She makes fun of Nick.

Austin waves at them from his spot in the spirit section. The bleachers are pretty empty because the JV boys basketball game is barely ending and no one really shows up until Varsity starts.

"Hey, where's Clarissa?" Victoria asks.

"Clarita," Austin corrects her, "And she's on her way. I'm kind of glad you guys got here before she did, I need to know what girls like to talk about incase the conversation dies down." Austin said.

"Austin it's a basketball game, you guys won't have time to talk over all the riot, especially because we're in the spirit section it'll be extra loud." She said.

"She has a point.." Edwin pointed out.

"So why did I come then? To stand next to her all night?" Austin furrowed is brows.

"Hey, having someone as company and being able to vibe with them is just as nice as talking with them and getting to know them." Nick turned back around to say.


(This is kind of important to the chapter so I'm gonna set the scene for you in the way that they're sitting).

• Red part = bleachers• Greenish - blue part = spirit section (which is located in the bleachers, for those who don't know)• Black lines = rows of seats• Yellow part = concession stand (where food + drinks are sold)• Orange part = section of the g...

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• Red part = bleachers
• Greenish - blue part = spirit section (which is located in the bleachers, for those who don't know)
• Black lines = rows of seats
• Yellow part = concession stand (where food + drinks are sold)
• Orange part = section of the gym where the basketball players actually play
• Purple dots = the characters, obviously (Notice there's a space separating Austin and his girl from the group)

(Okay, continue)


"I hope so. Sad thing is, she probably knows more about sports than I do." Austin leaned into Victoria and whispered.

"Well lemme tell you what I know about basketball which isn't a lot but it's something." She started to get into the conversation talking about how the amount of points from the free throw line, the paint, and the three differ and popular basketball players.

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