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8:02 am

Victoria was sitting in the cafeteria eating her breakfast and waiting for Austin to show like he did every morning. she texted him late last night telling him she had urgent news.

"oh my gosh i ran here all the way from the culinary room and realized i left my backpack in there so i ran back and then ran over here with my backpack on so-" Austin slammed his bag down on the table speaking as quickly as the breaths panted out of his mouth. Victoria cupped her hand over his mouth.

"Austin you were speaking faster than James Charles, just chill it's okay" they laughed.

"okay woman. what's your urgent news?" he took an apple out from his bag and leaned against the table waiting to hear her story.

"well yesterday i had a dream about someone.." she looked around to make sure no one was listening.

"okay and?" he asked cluelessly, urging her to continue.

"and maybe it was a R rated dream..." she whispered.

"you dirty whore! you're having wet dreams about our teacher?" he whispered back, taunting her. she turned her body to face him.

"well maybe it wasn't about brandon" she felt the embarrassment already start to wash over her.

"okay first of all, you get to call him by his first name now?! and second, who then?" Austin playfully slapped her arm.

"you know my brothers friend Nick right?..." Victoria scratched the side of her head as austin just sat there with his mouth open in shock.

"close your mouth, the flies are getting out" she laughed pushing his jaw up and he closed his mouth.

"anyway let's never talk about this conversation ever again" Victoria turned her body back towards the table and started packing her things into her bag.

"oh no, we're definitely talking about this later. in fact it's all we are gonna talk about because you need to elaborate young lady." Austin stood up and put his backpack on waiting for Victoria so he could walk her to class.

"but Austin-"

"i know what you're gonna say. it's not big deal and maybe it wouldn't be if you weren't dreaming about one of your oldest friends to date and your brothers best friend nonetheless." he cut her off.

"well gosh when you say it like that" she laughed it off and Austin walked her to her first period class.


12:18 pm

"Dark matter is a hypothetical substance that is believed by most astronomers to account for around five-sixths of the matter in the universe." Brandon stood tall in front of the class, making occasional glances to Victoria as well as to other students.

"twelve" Austin leaned to his side whispering to Victoria.

"what?" she whispered back, keeping her eyes on Brandon.

"twelve. Mr. Arreaga has glanced over to you twelve times alread-", he cut himself off, "thirteen" he snickered under his breath as Brandon looked over at Victoria again.

he showed a small smile that would be hardly noticeable to anyone else but to her, she saw it shine. although the glance was less then a few seconds, Victoria felt like they were staring at each other. she felt her cheeks lift into an innocent smile back to him and he continued teaching.


12:44 pm

"Victoria " Brandon called her name.

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