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3:25 pm

10 minutes is all i have until i can make myself less awkward

victoria held her pencil in her right hand and her left tangling through her hair. she had already started working on her science homework when she looked up at the clock and realized how much longer she had until after school.

"excuse me? may i use the restroom?" she raised her hand and the teacher allowed her to go. she got up and power walked to the bathroom. she quickly glanced under the stalls and outside to make sure no one was there. looking in the mirror she smiled.

ew! try again

she moved her hair to the left and smiled back into the mirror

gross, maybe the other way?

she moved her hair to the right and smiled again.

maybe if i tried no teeth? wait! what am i doing?!

she thought to herself. she realized that if she's going too try to hard to look her best, that's exactly what will make her seem awkward. she looked back into the mirror and fixed her hair to into its original position.

okay victoria, you have a good personality, you're funny, smart, and you workout a lot. don't be tense......please.

with that, she walked out of the bathroom and headed back to her class to collect her things.


3:35 pm

*knock knock*

"come in!" Mr. Arreaga shouted as he arranged papers on his desk. victoria walked in and gave him a small smile.

"victoria! come take a seat" he had already set up a chair in front of his desk and victoria sat down right across from him. he typed some things into his computer and paid no mind as victoria pulled her things out.

"so you said you needed the notes and then we can start on the homework, yeah?" she nodded her head as he pulled up the presentation on the projector. he talked her through what everything meant and told her exactly what to write down. she was listening very closely to what he had to say and even writing extra notes about what he was talking about that weren't on the presentation.

after completing the notes, they moved onto the homework problems she didn't finish from the previous night before.

through the whole time they worked together she focused on what he said but started getting off task when he would get closer to her or accidentally touch her. taking glances at the way he was so concentrated on her learning the subjects, victoria took note of what a determined man he was.

4:58 pm

"it's been a while, i think we deserve a break" Mr: Arreaga said. victoria had her back turned to him as she washed her hands from a sink back in the lab and spoke up as she turned around.

"i think that sounds good" she finished off her sentence quieter than before as she was now facing him. he was taking off his tie and unbuttoning the first couple of buttons from his dress shirt. he tasseled up his hair wanting to feel the cool air hit the skin that was covered up.

"it's literally fall now, you would think that the weather wouldn't be so hot" he laughed as he spoke. victoria suddenly felt that feeling in her again. the mix of excitement and nervousness. she went to sit back down near him and tried to ignore the feeling. victoria tied up her long, blackish-brown hair finally feeling the heat Mr. Arreaga was talking about.

"do you want some ice water? i keep an ice making machine in my room, especially since my room is so much further to the cafeteria than the others. it's like i'm secluded back here" he said preparing a cup of cold water, dropping a couple of ice cubes in it.

"thank you sir" victoria said taking the cup from him. of course what kind of cliché story would this be if the ice water didn't fall onto her shirt and some on her pants? so by nature, that's what happened.

she gasped loudly and her body tensed up immediately. she jumped up and let the excess water and ice cubes fall to the ground.

"oh my gosh are you alright?" Mr. Arreaga said reaching into his desk to grab a rag.

she just nodded as she dabbed the rag onto her clothes.

"wow two for one huh?" Mr. Arreaga stated more then asked. victoria looked up at him with a confused expression.

"first i break your phone, now i spill water on you? i'm either drawn to you or just clumsy" he joked. victoria slowed down her actions and she took in what he just said. she didn't want to look up but she was still questioning if she just heard what she thought she did.

did he........did he just say he was drawn to me? no, he's a teacher he would never admit that..i think.

"well i'm thinking that's our cue to finish off today's study session?"

"oh, alright" victoria said coming out of her thoughts.

"thank you again for doing this, i really appreciate it. can we do this again tomorrow?"

"yes of course, whenever you need me i'm available" Mr. Arreaga peaked over at victoria and smiled brightly with his beautiful white teeth and she felt her heart thump a little faster than before.

"ill see you tomorrow sir" she pushed back a strand of loose hair and smiled shyly leaving his class. she stepped out and started walking to her car. once in her car, she set all her things down and sighed a big sigh of relief feeling a sudden happiness leaving school.

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