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Short chapter, sorry! Love you guys!


Thursday, 2:05 am

The week after Brandon and Victoria's date had been completely boring. No special events had happened in Victoria's life. She woke up, went to school, did her homework with Brandon, went back home, then slept and did it all over again.

She didn't mind that her week was uneventful because she felt like she had constantly been busy for a good while now. Dates with Brandon, drama with Joesph, and time away from Austin.

Although, she figured the night of the party on Saturday would be quiet eventful. Besides the fact that it was her birthday, some crazy stuff would go down that she didn't see coming...... I'm getting ahead of myself here, I'll let Victoria take over.

She was listening to music on her speaker and attempting to paint the Astroworld album cover. She didn't have school that day because teachers had meetings about new changes to the policy and blah blah blah so she took this time for herself.

Until she got a phone call.

"Hello?" Victoria answered.

"Why are you wide awake and listening to music at two in the morning?" Brandon asked, his voice sounding tired.

"Why are you even awake at all mister? You have school tomorrow." She mocked him.

"I'm grading tests missy. Specifically yours." He said.

"Oh? Spare me please, I can't bare any bad news before my birthday." She pleaded jokingly.

"That's sort of why I'm calling you except instead of a bad grade you got 100%. You and 5 other people are the only people with a perfect score out of all my three chemistry classes." Brandon said in a happy tone.

"I have a perfect score? Me?" She asked shockingly.

"Whoops, did I call the wrong student at two in the morning again? Silly me." He joked.

"You know you don't have to give me good grades right? I already like you." She joked back.

"That was all you, my smart girl." He said. Of course, she smiled at that. Victoria had taken note to how sweet he had been to her lately. She liked that.

"So I was thinking, because it's your birthday on Saturday and you just got a perfect score, we should celebrate." Brandons said.

"Oh yeah? How? You gonna come to my party that all your students are going to be at?" Victoria joked.

"Embarrassing enough as it is, that's the first high school party I've ever been invited to." He joked.

"And probably the last." She noted.

"But really, what if you saw me really early in the day or late at night after your shindig?" He asked.

"Okay one, who says 'shindig' anymore? And two, that sounds like something I'd like. I'll probably see you afterwards because my parents are in town and they go to sleep really early and wake up super early too." She explained.

"Your parents are in town? Does that insinuate they aren't always?" Brandon asked.

"Yes. They both have had traveling jobs since Edwin and I were really young. One day, Edwin and I decided we were tired of being moved around all over the place so we settled here in L.A." She explained.

"With no supervision?" He asked.

"Our grandma used to watch us a lot but she's gotten too old and we've grown up, we can watch ourselves. Plus our parents pay for this top notch security system." Victoria explained.

"You ever miss your parents when they're gone for a while?" He asked.

"Yeah of course but, they would always be sure to be in town for our birthdays and holidays. We would go to this wonderful little bakery called 'Destino's' and Edwin and I were allowed to order anything we wanted." She said.

"That sounds great and hey, Saturday sounds like a plan." Brandon said.

They talked some more and then said their goodbyes and hung up. Victoria was even more ecstatic about her upcoming birthday. She had never had as many friends to invite to her party as she does now, just her, edwin, and her guy friends, which she didn't mind, but now she had Clarita and Marcy too!

Now she even has Brandon. Although they haven't exactly established their label yet, they've both made it clear they only want each other. Victoria had never really had a boyfriend (or boyfriend type of guy) around the time of her birthday.

She was surprised Brandon actually wanted to celebrate her birthday with her, especially on a Saturday night when he could go out with friends or go out of town like he so often did.

Either way, she was grateful and excited for the big weekend.

Little did she know, she wasn't exactly prepared.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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