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This chapter is gonna be in an omniscient pov


Victoria enjoyed feeling the warmth of Brandon's hand on her cheek. She liked the way he was gentle when he touched her. He gave her a serene feeling of calm and safety when she was with him whether he was kissing her, or simply just in her presence. Brandon was definitely potent but not in a way that made him cocky, he knew how to be respectful. 

Brandon was one to leave others and himself wanting more. If he wanted someone, he knew how to stop himself from having that person all at once. He knew how to leave his partner wanting more of him, basically crave him but this time, it felt different. He wanted Victoria all at once. The more she gave into him, the more he took each time. It's like his sense of self control just left his body and brain mercifully at her will. 

Alas, Victoria pulled back slightly and looked up into his eyes. Even though it was a short moment, they shared something intimate that only the two of them could feel with each other. As they maintained eye contact, they could feel their hearts in their stomachs along with the little butterflies fluttering around. 

"I'm glad you finally got the courage to ask me to come over." Victoria said breaking the sweet silence. 

"You could've asked me too you know?" He said.

"You would think by the amount of times I volunteered to speak in your class that you would understand how shy I am by now." Victoria pointed out. 

They laughed together and shared yet another intimate moment between themselves. Not romantically but intimate in a way that still warmed their hearts.


10:30 p.m. that same night

Once Victoria pulled into the driveway, she could see the lights in the living room were still on as she expected. She parked in her usual spot and took a deep breath with both hands on the steering wheel. Her emotions shifted between excitement, happiness, and nervousness as the adrenaline pulsed through her body. She was happy and she could feel it from her head to her toes. A smile never left her face as she gathered her things and walked up to the door.

She unlocked it and walked into a total mess of a house but she couldn't care less considering the great night she just had. Edwin, Nick, Zion, and Austin were yelling at some video game while some music played in background so Victoria already knew they had no idea she walked in, which was fine by her. 

Once in her room she pulled her jacket off and flung it into her hamper carelessly. She closed the door and just stood in that spot for a quick moment before she giggled happily and celebrated in place. 

"Oh no, this man already has me giggling." She joked to herself. 

Victoria checked her phone for the first time that night since she arrived at Brandon's. There, was a message waiting from him asking if she made it home safely. Her mouth and heart smiled keenly. She responded and set her phone aside as she began making herself comfortable by taking her makeup off when there was a small knock at the door. 

"Come in!" She yelled but the door remained shut. She got up and opened her door to be greeted by Nick.

"Oh hey, I said come in." She left the door open and walked back to mirror, removing excess makeup.

"Couldn't hear you over the rioting trio downstairs." Nick walked in her room and sat down on the edge of her bed. 

"What's going on?" Victoria asked.

"Nothing. I saw your headlights approaching when you pulled in and forgot to say hi when you walked through the door." He said.

"Well.... Hi." She let out a small, awkward laugh.

"I just wanted you to know that someone noticed you came home." He looked at her through her mirror and smiled. She did the same thing.

"Finally you're here bitch," Austin yelled,imitating "Rosa" from the top of the staircase seeing Victoria's bedroom door open, "So what happened tonight? Did you an-" Austin stopped talking when he approached the doorway. Nick and Victoria looked back at him, Victoria's eyes widened immensely.

"Oh I'm sorry, I don't mean to intrude." Austin gave Victoria an awkward smile. 

"Don't worry, I'll head out." Nick said getting up. He walked through the doorway.

"Good night dude." He said to Austin, patting him on the shoulder.

"Good night Victoria." Nick stopped and looked back at her before leaving. Austin and her smiled at him and waited for him to get out of ear shot before they closed the door calmly. 

"As I was saying before I was interrupted." Austin said sitting in the spot Nick was.

"I think you interrupted us but go off." She laughed.

"Just shut up and tell me what happened." Austin rolled his eyes at her, smiling.

"Well we kissed... a lot but not in an overly sexual manner. This time around, it was sort of calm and obviously very passionate. We didn't jump on each other and start making out like the other times, it was gentle but evoking." She smiled when she spoke, something she hadn't noticed until Austin brought it up. 

"Oh my gosh, you're smiling like a lunatic." He made fun of her.

"Believe it or not, I actually giggled earlier." She stuck tongue out and her finger in her mouth, pretending to gag. They laughed and it fell silent. Victoria looked down.

"So... is this a good thing?" Austin asked.

She looked up and hesitated, "I don't know."

"Well, come down stairs and join us if you're up for it. We made pizza rolls." Austin poked her playfully, trying to lighten the mood as he could see the pessimistic look on her face. She looked up and nodded.

Once he left, she looked back into her mirror. A small sigh left her lips as she started to think about that question more in depth. Is this a good thing? Victoria thought to herself. Sure she's happy but at what costs for the both of them involved. Is this a good thing?..

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