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Emma- yooo what up Ali

Ali- oh hey Emma, surprised to see you kept my number :)

Emma- you seem like a cool gal so I though I'd keep it

Ali- you sound just like your friend bailey

Emma- wouldn't be the first time someone said that 💀

Ali- Haha, what are you up to?

Emma- editing , you?

Ali- writing, what are you editing ?

Emma- a picture for my Friends insta

Ali- oo nice

Emma- what are you writing?

Ali- a poem about this guy I'm starting to like :)

Emma- can I catch a peek?

Alisophia- sure,why not.


Alisophia- as I sat there mesmerized by your beautiful soft green eyes with the glimmer of hazel you asked me
Are you happy?
In that moment I knew that I was because you were the one asking me the question
With the others I never knew
But with you
I just know

Emma- holy shit... you must really like this guy

Alisophia- he's a great guy& that's all I've been looking for

Emma- but do you think he's the one?

Alisophia- idk,it's to early to tell

Emma- what if someone else came into your life and changed it ?

Alisophia- that's actually exactly what I've been waiting for. I want someone that leaves me guessing and craving more, adventures and outgoing. I just hope that's him and if not then I don't know where I'll ever find that person

Emma- oh they'll come one day, I know it.

Read 10:56 pm

5%  ˻grayson dolan˼✔︎  #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now