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It was to late

I jump out of my chair due to the reoccurring nightmare I was having. To bad the nightmare actually happened. I look over at Grayson lying in the bed sound asleep as to me, I wasn't able to sleep for the past four nights. What I was most scared of now was that I know Zach was the one behind this. I was shaken from my thoughts when the nurse entered the room.

"Hey sweetie , has he woken up today? I know surgery was probably rough on him" she speaks while taking his vitals or the ones she could at least. "No he's been asleep since last night"I fake smile and she says "I know this just be hard on you but he's a lucky one, most don't go through a full on collision like that and make it out alive especially since it was on his side. Also good news I'll share it with you so you can refer it to him, he doesn't have to do physical therapy and his recovery will be speedy" she says grinning towards the end "how long do you think?" I ask sitting up in my chair now intrigued "about a month, less depending on his body" she reassures me.

She leaves the room and Grayson ask "is she gone?" I look at him and laugh responding with "yeah she's gone, I still don't understand why you don't like her" he sits up and looks at me saying "she just gives me an off vibe that's all babe"
I get up from my chair and walk around so I wasn't just sitting around

"At least you'll have a speedy recovery, that's great!" I squeal as I walk up to his bed side "yeah then after I'm finding that bitch Zach and beating the fuck out of him" he says making me laugh "Grayson I don't understand why we can't just go to the police for this ?" I say shrugging my shoulders.
"And ruin all of our reputations ? Yeah I don't think so" I laugh at him comment and say "well all of social media knows we're dating basically so I'm sure this won't change anything."

He changes the subject by saying "you never told me."
I look at him with confusion "told you what?" I ask
"What you were telling me in the car before we ya know" he says kinda awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.
"Oh... I was going to tell you I l-" before I could finish my sentence the door opens revealing Ethan and andie.

"Ali!" Andie says
"Grayson!" Ethan says
Andie pulls me in for a tight hug while Ethan hugs Grayson tightly.
"Well give you guys some space" I say as me and andie walk out of the room and to the cafeteria.
We sit at an empty table then she ask "how are you?"
I look at my arms which were scratched a bit and just shrug my shoulders "a few cuts and bruises her and there but I think I'll manage" she smiles but then it shortly fades after she ask "how are you and Grayson and how is he dealing?"

I sigh and respond "were fine and he's doing better than expected , they said he's gonna have a speedy recovery so I'm happy about that." I smile faintly causing her to ask
"What's wrong Ali, I know you and I know when something's wrong so please tell me."

I feel tears start to form in the brim of my eyes and I respond with " I love him , I love him and I've cause him to be physically hurt and now I have to cause him to be emotionally hurt" she rubs my arms and says
"What do you mean emotionally hurt?"

We enter back in the room and Ethan and Grayson are laughing then stop as we wanted the room a bit awkwardly.
"Hey E let's give them some time" andie says getting a hold of Ethan and practically dragging him out the room. She closes the door and I sit on the edge of the bed and look deeply into Graysons eyes. "You're beautiful ya know" I say grabbing a hold of his hand. He blushes and respond with "thank you baby,what's up you seem like you got something on your mind"

I take a deep breath in and prepare myself for what was about to happen. " I wanted to tell you that I love you Grayson, you make me feel like the most happy and luckiest girl in the world and I thought no one could ever ruin that but then Zach hurt you, he hurt what I loved the most and I was so scared that I was going to lose you when you weren't responding. I really don't want to do this Grayson and it's hurting me but- it's better if-i-if we stop seeing each other" I was a crying mess and he looked at me in such shock.
"Can't we work this out?" He ask sacredly. I nod my head and respond with "Grayson I told myself that I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I ever caused you pain ,physically ,mentally or emotionally and I'm doing all three, I don't deserve you" I cry wiping my tears with my free hand.

Grayson was no in tears and the last thing he said to me before I left was

"I love you to"

Bet y'all weren't expecting that ☕️😌

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