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I wake up to the smell off syrup and bacon cumulating the house.Grayson was here.

I grab my phone off my night stand and head downstairs into the kitchen.
As I got to the edge of the staircase my dumb ass missed a step and slipped , stumbling over myself.

Grayson took notice and looked at me funny.
"You okay Alisophia?" He ask flipping the bacon around. I was a bit confused as to why he didn't just address me as 'babe' or 'baby'

I brushed it off and responded with "all is fine,what are you making?"
"Your favorite" He smiles.

I look at the time on my phone and it read 1:30 pm.
"How long have you been here babe?" I ask to his response "since eleven."

He grabs two plates and placed them on the counter besides him. He proportions the meal equally and passes me my plate after doing so.

"Thank you" I smile bitting into a strip of bacon.
I savored the flavor as it explored my mouth. It was quite Devine.

I grabbed my fork and picked at a piece of eggs before taking it into my mouth. As the flavor develops I could taste a bit of minty flavor but more on the woodsy side.

The rosemary.

"You used the rosemary babe?" I ask taking another bite from the eggs. "Yes,is there something wrong?" He ask finishing up his plate. "Oh nothing at all, it taste wonderful" I smile taking my last bite of the eggs I had left.

Sam was right.

As were watching Mulan while laying in my bed I kept on thinking of what Grayson was doing yesterday. He never told me. He had just told me he was busy.

"What did you do yesterday?" I ask calmly and he responds with "helping Tati move into her apartment."
I felt my heart skip a beat , and not in a good way.

"She's moving to California?" I ask swallowing the lump forming in my throat.
"Yup" he says popping the P at the end.

"Well that's good I asume" I say with a little sarcasticness in my tone and all he mumbles back is "mmh."

I look up and see him on his phone typing away. "Did you even pay attention to a word I said?" I ask in a bit of annoyance. "Yeah babe of course I love you to" he replies still typing away.
"That's it" I mumble to myself getting up out of bed.

"Grayson I'd like you to leave."

He looks up at me with confusion and shock "why baby?" He ask. I simply reply "if you're going to be here and not pay any attention to me then you can leave and go pay more attention to whoever you're texting." He looks at me in shock then shrugs his shoulders getting out of bed.

I follow him downstairs and as he's about to leave I say
He looks at me puzzled and I repeat
This time I hold out my hand and he got the message.

He handed me the key and I said "you'll get it back when you can show that I'm a priority to you instead of whoever you're texting and paying more attention to than your own girlfriend."

With that, Grayson left and went home.

He left me and left me confused.

Very confused...

5%  ˻grayson dolan˼✔︎  #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now