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Today was the day I get the love of my life back. I had craved Grayson ever since our last encounter. I need him,I wanted him.

I pull up to the sheriffs station and park out front. I push the door open sending a bell sound through the whole front area. I look to my right and see Zach talking with the sheriff.

"You're just In time miss Lynn, me and Zach were discussing the procedures that you'll need to take and also court dates stuff like that" sheriff Gulip flashes a smile to me. "Thank you sheriff" I smile back.
"So we need a code word for if you ever feel unsafe because we won't be able to see you but we will be able to hear you since you will be wired , so does anything come to mind?" He ask as he takes out his notepad ready to write my code word.
"The breakup"

He looks up at me with a bit of confusion and I reassure him "trust me, this is the safest code word and nothing suspicious" he nods his head and writes down
"The breakup"

I arrive at the cafe shortly after getting wired up and making sure the equipment worked and I wouldn't get caught. I walk in and see Luke sitting at a table.
I plaster a fake smile on my face and walk over
It's go time.

I walk up to the table and he stands up smiling. "Hi baby I'm glad we're doing this date thing" he smiles pulling me in for a hug. I hug him back and hold my breath while doing so. He reeked of weed and cough syrup.
"Me to" I fake smile. He cups my face and pulls me in for a kiss. I kiss back regretting and definitely not missing the feeling of his lips.

His lips were very sand paper like and flat almost as if I was kissing sand paper. Definitely not how Graysons lips felt. Graysons lips were soft,plump and juicy. The thought of soon feeling that again kept me going.

It sit down at the table and take a deep breath before starting the
'mini investigation'
"So how did you and Zach meet?" I ask taking a sip of water. "Our bands hang out together sometimes so we meet and became mutual. Then when I found out you were the girl he would ditch us to hang out with I got furious" he smiles. He was a true devil.

"So then that's how you found out I choose someone else over zach?" I ask curiously. He nods his head yes then states "I was the one who told him to send those messages calling you and bitch and for you to watch your back. He was my bitch. That when I told him to get rid of the problem which he couldn't even do that" he laugh then I respond "why was Grayson the problem?" He looks at me dumbfounded.

"Like I said , if I can't have you then no one can. Your lover boy is supposed to be laying down in a coffin not a hospital bed for crying out loud. But you're never seeing him again so it doesn't matter to me" I look at him with shock knowing he just confessed to attempting murder on Grayson. I knew this wouldn't be good for Zach since he's an accomplice and this would mean criminal charges for him as well.
"What do you plan to do with me?" I ask out of my own curiosity and he just laughs. "Keep you. You're mine forever baby"

I was now scared and starting to panic on the inside, I needed to get out.
I was no longer safe.
"What about the breakup that happened between us?" I ask knowing the sheriff would shortly be coming.
"Now why would you bring that up?" He ask looking at me suspiciously "no reason just I-I" I start stuttering uncontrollably and he notices. He grabs a hold of my hand and drags me outside.

He throws me into his car and locks all the doors. "What the fuck is going on you bitch?" He yells at me.My breathing hitched as he unbuttons my shirt revealing the wire.
"You dumb bitch!" He yells slapping me. All I could do was sit there and take it. It was over.
I knew I was dead now.

"Little sheriff can hear us so why don't we play a game, if you can't find us under 24 hours then she's dead" he says knowing the sheriff was listening in. "Good luck" he smirks at me before hitting the gas.

Then everything went dark...

5%  ˻grayson dolan˼✔︎  #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now