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Today was the party where were celebrating over coming the obstacles that came our way. Getting ready in the morning was rough since I could barely walk but I managed to get through.

As me and Grayson hop in the car he ask "you know you don't have to talk about yesterday if you aren't comfortable yet with the others?" I smile meekly at him and say "I'll be fine Grayson, I need to let them know everything starting from beginning to end" he nods his head understanding and drives.

We arrive at James house which was mighty sexy. We park in the driveway along with the other cars that were already here. We ring the door bell to shortly he greeted by sister James himself.

"Omg sister Alisophia it's so nice to finally meet you!" James squeals pulling me into a hug.
"Sister Grayson !" James squeals once again hugging Grayson. "Come on in!" He smiles widening the door allowing us in.

The smell of fresh pizza illuminated the front entry way , only getting stronger the closer we get to the kitchen.

We enter the kitchen to see Emma,Ethan,Andie, and Zach all talking together. They all turn there heads towards me and Grayson then James says "let's give a round of applause to our two hero's today, Alisophia for finding out the truth and getting justice and for Graysons, for finding and saving Alisophia." The room breaks out into applause and I smile to Graysons.

We both go around saying hey to everyone and hugging everyone. I finally get to andie saving her for last and he squeals "I'm so glad you're okay!" I laugh like a kid then respond "I wouldn't be here without grayson" I look over at him to see him and Zach talking. He catches me staring and flashes me a smile causing me to smile back.

"So what exactly happened?" James ask and Grayson looks at me with a concerning face and I whisper "it's okay,I'll be fine"
I take a deep breath and explain the whole situation.

"Luke was my ex from about three years ago, the relationship ended because he cheated on me. He put his love and trust into someone else basically forgetting I even existed. It's like I had flipped a switch in him causing him to become such a monster-"
"A devil" Grayson states

"The last thing he told me when we broke up was 'if I can't have you then no one can' so then I started seeing Zach and they knew each other. But the that's when Grayson came into my life, I untimely chose Grayson over Zach. So then Zach told this to Luke and he was furious almost as if he was reliving the breakup. So then that's when Zach became his bitch and was telling him what to do and ordering him around. He told Zach to take care of the problem ,the problem being Grayson. Luckily Grayson was a fighter and made it out of the car accident alive. But then that's when we created the plan to finally get rid of Luke once and for all. The plan backfired which caused him to kidnap me. He abused me and left me suffering for almost twenty four hours, but that's when Grayson found me. If Grayson wouldn't have found me I wound he here. The last thing luke said to me was 'if I can't have you no one can'. Then he shot himself , right in front of me"

James pulls me In for a hug and says "I know I say this like ironically but you are literally so brave,I couldn't imagine being in your position. You're strong and a fighter , remember that" I smile at him and thank him. "Hey Ali,can we talk?" My sister calls for me and I excuse myself from the group.

We walk into a separate room away from the others.
"Are you okay?" She ask very concerned and I respond with "I will be" she sighs and says "He was your first love phia, I know this has to hurt you a lot" I sigh and take in the fact that she was right. I had a lot of first with Luke , including being my first love. After all that went down I still do have to remember that.

We walk back into the main room and I catch up with Emma for a bit. "So are you mad that andie and Ethan are together now?" I ask hoping she wouldn't hate me "honestly no, I'm glad they're together and honestly Zach is kinda cute" I laugh at her comment causing her to laugh as well.

I turn back to Andie and she looks at me strangely. "What?" I laugh and she shakes her head in confusion "I don't know, you just seem different. You have a glow to you"
I smile and blush knowing what she was talking about and she shortly caught on.
"Wait did y'all-" she starts to say until I shush her
"Shhh, yes we you know" she smiles widely and says "I'm glad he was the one for you."

As the party goes on me and Grayson are laying in the hammock while everyone was in the pool. "I'm glad things are the way they are now, I got my girl back, I have great friends to surround myself with. I couldn't ask for anything better" Grayson states while kissing my forehead. I smile then state "me to."

The night ends with everyone going back to there places even me and Grayson parting. "Are you sure you don't want me to stay the night or you can come with us?" Grayson pouts as he gets into Ethan's Jeep.
"Babe I need a little time to myself after all of this,you can come by tomorrow and stay for as long as you want ,literally" I laugh knowing he was just concerned for my safety.
"Okay, I love you. I'll text you later" he kisses me goodbye and I respond "I love you to."

I plop onto my bed and just look at my ceiling. Raindrops start filling the room calming me down.
I was in a good place but my mental state was not in the best place.
I just need a while to myself.

It'll all get better.

5%  ˻grayson dolan˼✔︎  #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now