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Caroline- Hey are you okay? You've been m.i.a since you met with bailey, how did it go?

Alisophia- ive met him before, we've met him before.

Caroline- I have no clue ¿
Caroline- wait-
Caroline- no fucking way...

Alisophia- yup

Caroline- how are you? I mean like are you all good? What happened?

Alisophia- I feel betrayed , I just wish I would've known sooner and didn't feel as dumb as I feel right now. I told him so much shit he probably thinks I'm a fucking weirdo

Caroline- he wouldn't haven't kept on texting you if he thought so

Alisophia- he could've gotten a good laugh out of it

Caroline- listen up babe , I'll be over in about 15 and I'll bring som canes and we can watch romcoms until we get to the super cheesy and bad ones, sound like a plan?

Alisophia- bring extra canes sauce

Caroline- that's my girl ;)

Read 9:19 pm

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