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It was our last full day in New Jersey so we decided to spend it separate. It's was a guys and girls type day.

I grab my mini backpack and place the essentials I would be needing for the day.
"Alisophia sweetie, we will be waiting downstairs" Lisa yells from the staircase.

I rush downstairs and flash everyone a smile.
"Okay we will be meeting up for dinner at Olive Garden around six o'clock, it's four right now so see you guys then" Grayson smiles widely.

We part our ways and better we do I give Grayson a quick peck and say " I'll see you later my love." He smiles then says "see you later baby, I love you"
"I love you too"

We arrive at what seems to be a small outdoor supermarket. I was quite a bit confused on why we were here but I'm guessing I would eventually find out the reason why.

Lisa and Cameron grab a small woven basket and start walking around. This was now my cue to do the same.

As Cameron picks through the fresh berries my eyes retreat to the man different spice jars. I pick up a jar and soon hear a mans voice say
"That there is rosemary, what meal did you have in mind ?" I look up and see a man about 6'2 standing before me.

"N-Nothing I-I was just looking" I stutter profusely.
"I suggest maybe an omelet with a side of potatoes, it adds a beautiful blend of pine feel to it" He smiles handing me full jar.

"How much will it be?" I ask reaching into my purse. "Free of charge.I want you to take it and experiment with it." He smiles and i shyly smile back and say
"Thank you."

"What's your name?" He ask
"Alisophia,and yours?" I ask back and he replies bluntly

We create small talk then he ask "so what does a beautiful lady like you bring yourself to the supermarket?" I smile shyly knowing he was trying to flirt but I shortly turn him down. "I'm here with my boyfriends mom and sister." His mouth forms into an O shape and nods his head.

"He's very lucky man, you seem like a great gal." He smiles . As I was about to respond I hear Cameron calling my name.
"Oh there you are, we're about to head to olive so come on" she smiles linking our arms together.

"It was nice meeting you sam" I smile politely as me and Cameron walk away.
"It was a pleasure meeting you as well Alisophia"

We arrive at the restaurant and before we walk in Cameron pulls me back a bit so we were lagging behind the group. "Who was the cutie at the supermarket?" She ask nudging my side.
I laugh and respond with
"If you're trying to get me to say I'm interested in him then good try because I'm not, his name is sam. I'm in love with Grayson and I'm not worried about anyone else"

She smiles approvingly then says "I know this is why I like you so much"

We sit at our reserved table and order our food. As were eating our side salads and breadsticks sean ask "what do you do for living?" I respond with "I'm a sophomore in college and I'm going for film photography and art. Right now I'm student teaching some high schools in the California area. After I get my degree I would like to get my own studio and start my own small business"

Lisa smiles approvingly and responds "that's impressive, I'm glad you have your life planned out well for your career" I nod my head and respond "it's been a passion of mine since I was a little girl."

We continue eating and as we all finish our meals sean ask "how long do you see yourself with Grayson?"
That caused everyone to look at sean with a what the fuck look. "Dad you can't just ask her that type of question" Grayson speaks up .

I put my hand on his thigh and calm him down "it's fine actually, to be honest I don't know how long I see myself with Grayson. We can stay together for another month, years or even just another day. I'm taking the relationship day by day and not rushing anything. I genuinely love Grayson a lot and I'm happy I'm with him now" he smiles then says "well welcome to the family"

I was no fully accepted by both parents into the family. I couldn't be more happy.

We all exit the restaurant and as were about to get into the vehicles we hear a squeaky voice saying "Grayson?"
We all turn around on cue and see a short blonde calling Graysons name. I assumed it was a fan until he said her name "Tati?"

She walks up to him and says "it's been a long time, how've you been?"
Me and Cameron look at each other awkwardly then she says "that's his ex , they broke up when he left high school and went out to California" I nod my head understanding.

As I'm about to get into the car I hear Grayson call my name "Babe." I turn around to see him waving for me to come to him. As I reach him he introduces me to Tati. "Tati this is my girlfriend Alisophia, Alisophia this is an old friend and ex of mine."

Tati's smile dies down then forced a fake one onto her face "nice to meet you, hope you're treating him well"
I laugh a bit then respond "trust me,I am"

I walk back to the car and before I close the door I hear them exchanging numbers and I started to get heated a bit.

Grayson wouldn't do anything to hurt me.

I know that.

Or would he?

I close the door and lock it. I plop onto the bed and Grayson ask "everything okay babe?" I smile tiredly and say "yeah I'm just exhausted and ready to go home" he smiles then says "me to baby, me too"


I wake up to the sound of small whispers in the room. I look over to see Grayson on the phone, but with who?
"Grayson , babe who are you on the phone with?" I ask and he scoffs a bit then says "hey I gotta go but I'll call you tomorrow, Goodnight it was nice talking to you.

He ends the call and gets out of bed in a mood. I ask again "Grayson who were you on the phone with?" He responds blunt "Tati"
I look at my phone and in shock " on the phone with her at four in the morning? For what?" I ask.

He rolls his eyes and says "just to catch up,that's it. Do you not trust me?" His comment causes me to sit up in bed and turn the lamp on. "Why would you ask that? Of course I trust you I'm just confused on why she couldn't have waited until late morning to call and catch up" he laughs sarcastically then says "because she wanted to talk now"

I was confused as to why he was acting this way. He was acting different and not the Grayson I knew.


We arrive back in California and the whole plane ride he was on his phone texting Tati. I didn't trust her. But I trust Grayson.

Do I?

We exit the airport to be hit with the California heat. As they get into there Uber I start walking in the other direction to catch my ride,Emma.

"Where are you going?" Grayson ask confused "I'm getting a ride from Emma" I respond bluntly "I though you were coming back to our house?" He ask in confusion once more.

"I was but I want to be at my home" I respond as Emma pulls up. "I'll be over later then" he smiles which I turn him down by responding with "I need time to rest Grayson" he then adds "we can rest together"
"Alone" I bluntly imply.

He frowns a bit then says "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?" I smile meekly then says "maybe."

I get into Emma's car and she could tell I was off.
"What's wrong sis?" She ask driving off.

"I might be loosing Grayson"

That's the tea sis...

5%  ˻grayson dolan˼✔︎  #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now