Thank you.

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I have come to the hardest decision in my life which is...

I will be deleting "5%" and its equal "recharge to 100%." I didn't decide this over night, this decision was months and months of deliberation. I don't want to be know as one of "those" writers that wrote about smut and basic plot lines. So I will be deleting the books shortly after this posting so don't be alarmed if you no longer see it on my account. Thank you for all the love and support these two books brought, I can't imagine where I would be without them. Make sure if you want, to check out my other books as their more of my style instead of these books when I was still a novice writer and I was new into the fandom and had no clue what to write about. I love you all and thank you for this journey to 100%.

5%  ˻grayson dolan˼✔︎  #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now