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I parked my car right out front slamming my door as I get out. I just wanted to get things over with and for things to go back to normal. I knew the possibilities of that happening were very small though due to why I was here in the first place.

I ring the doorbell and wait for a response. About a minute later the door opens and Zach looks at me with almost a scared yet terrified face. What was his problem , should I be scared ?
"C-come in" He struggles to get out. I walk past him and look at him with a concerning face questioning if I should be afraid.

He walks me over to the couch and quickly says in gibberish but still making it understandable "imsosorryalisophiainevermeantforanyofthistohappen"
I look at him with such confusion then hear footsteps entering the room.
We weren't alone.

I look up and see a face I thought I'd never see again in million years.
"It was you all a long" I say starting to tremble in fear which cause him to laugh.
"Don't you remember our last words we exchanged?" He smirks. Yeah actually I
do remember...

We sat in his car parked away from the city. The view was beautiful but we we were here on such bad timing.

We were breaking up.
"There's nothing I can do to change your mind?" He ask while looking off into the distance "I wish there was but it's just not the same anymore, you put your love and trust into someone else while still being with me, that shit hurts so bad. I wish things would've ended differently, we had our whole future planned out together and now it's all just gone" I cry but still try to keep my cool at the same time.

"I've told you I'm sorry so many times, you have no clue how much you truly mean to me" he cries out sniffling a bit. "If you really loved and cared about me then you wouldn't have cheated" I say blatantly.

Almost as if a switched turned on in his head he grabs my wrist tightly and says "if I can't have you-"


"-No one can" I say finishing off the last words exchanged from him. "Good,you remember" he smiles , god I use to be in love with this man but now I realized I was in love with the devil.

"So now that you know who's in charge this is what is going to happen, you already broke up with him so that's good-" he states before I interrupt him
"How do you-"
"I have my resources baby doll" I was no more scared than ever. Only a close circle knew about me and Grayson relationship and what it truly was.

"As I was saying, you and me are getting back together and if you refuse then pretty boy right here will finish the job that I told him to finish but he doesn't know how to floor it" he smiles deviously making me throw up just a bit.
"Fine. But since I'm agreeing to this I have fucking boundaries remember?" I ask looking at him knowing he knew what I meant "oh your still a Virgin? What a prude , didn't let Grayson pipe. Strange he stayed with you" he laughs

"you did you dumb fu-"
Before I could finish my sentence I feel a warm sting evaporate on my face due to Luke slapping me
"don't disrespect me, you know the consequences"
He says fixing himself while I'm still sitting there in shock. I look over at Zach to see he was petrified at what he just saw.

"So do we have a deal little one? Well you kinda don't really have a say" he laughs making me cringe internally.

"Yes,we have a deal"

This was hard and stressful for me to write :((

5%  ˻grayson dolan˼✔︎  #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now