2. Tomlinson

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I never got what the big deal was about my brother. I mean, sure, he is considered "A sexy blonde Adonis with six pack abs and a smile that makes girls instantly pregnant." (according to Costa) but he's just Gallagher to me.

Yes, he has the whole campus eating out of the palm of his hand and yes, my roommates are no exception to that fact, but that doesn't change the fact that at the end of the day, he's the same boy that cut off my ponytail in grade three and smashed cake in my face every birthday.

Gallagher didn't change much looks and personality wise to me. He still had the same shaggy blonde hair and stormy blue/ grey eyes and crooked smile that indicated he was always up to no good.

My brother was never really smart to me, but according to his GPA, the bitch is practically a genius with perfect grades to compliment his chemistry major.

I could see why others would think he's perfect.

I just... don't see it myself.

After gaining space from Costa's rant about how ungodly perfect my brother is, I made a quick dash towards my room, unpacking all of my clothes and placing things that would make the square compartment, a little more homey for me.

Meaning, pink everywhere.

I then got bored and took out one of my large scrapbooks, this one containing pictures and mementos from everything that was my grade nine year.

Back then, everything was so big and new and foreign to me, and even then, Gallagher (who was in grade eleven) ran the school.

He was a major football star back then too which is mainly the reason University of London let him in this fine school. That, and the stellar 4.0 grade point average he maintained throughout the years.

Gallagher was always a success story waiting to happen.

I, was a student with a grumpy attitude in the mornings and managed to pull a solid B average out of my ass.

There was a knock at my door and I stood to answer it, but it opened before I could reach it and Harley and Delilah came pouring in with linked arms and eager smiles.

"The football team is throwing a party on the field, do you wanna go?" Delilah asked.

I raised an eyebrow. "Aren't those usually invitation only?" I asked, knowing the answer and what they expected.

"Yeah, but we thought since your brother is Gallagher Wayne... You could, pull some strings?" Harley said hesitantly.

And there it is. I was use to this.

People used me all the time to get to Gallagher. Old "friends" came and gone by all the time so they could get a look at him in hopes of becoming his girlfriend or even just a fuck buddy. The feeling of being used was nothing to me.

I learned a long time ago it was better to give them what they want and then never talk to them again. Besides, after getting Gallagher, they didn't need my friendship anymore.

I guess I was sort of hoping my roommates would be different. After all, I do have to live with them this year and I wanted the whole, Uni experience with sophisticated friends and philosophical teachers, and picture perfect memories to go in the scrapbook I made for this year alone.

My wishes weren't being granted so far.

I sighed. "Uh, yeah sure. I'll just give him a call." I said not- so enthusiastically. But my two roommates didn't catch it, so with a shared squeal, they left.

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