22. She's that one thing

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As per usual, it was dreary, damp, and grey outside as my car entered the town of Doncaster. The three hour drive home was full of silence that in return, made me anxious enough to turn on my radio, only to switch it back off in the matter of seconds. I mean come on, how could She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5 come on and expect me not to think of Teagan.

I missed her, that much was apparent, but it was obvious that she didn't miss me, at least not as much as Harry assured me of. Because of her change in attitude, she was more Costa- like than I remember. And with her new budding friendship with Adam Helms, I wasn't so sure if I wanted to be with her again.

Besides, I met new birds who were actually open to shagging me instead of making up a lie about being a virgin to get out of it. That part always angered me the most. She felt the need to lie about something so intimate, something that could easily define her, but she didn't care.

It made it worse that Harry knew of this, and so did Niall. Imagine that, my best mates knew that I was dating/ possibly shagging my other mate's little sister. Gallagher had no idea about mine and Teagan's relationship, and I wanted to keep it that way.

It was an embarrassment on my part, and I'm sure that if I had shared with Gallagher my relationship with Teagan, I would end up with the loss of my legs, and most likely something else that cannot be replaced.

He'd hate me, and I just don't think I'm willing to lose a good friend over some bird. Even if said bird was Gallagher's younger sister and a girl who still holds a piece of my heart.

I did fall for her, even had her meet my mother and sisters. I had the intention of my father and older brother meeting her also, a big deal as my family has never met one of my girlfriend's before. The girls I've dated before were nothing to be proud of. That all looked very nice but lacked something else like brains, ambitions, goals, or humor. All very important for impressing my father. Teagan had them all, but lacked honesty.

I didn't want to think of her, but it was all I could do lately. She hurt me, and the worse thing was, I thought she'd be the last person to do that. And the worse part is, I find myself making excuses sometimes. I look back and realize she tried to tell me multiple times, and each time I wouldn't let her, or we'd be in the middle of a moment, and she'd try. But we'd be so caught up that her worlds would slip away.

Making excuses is a sign of weakness on my part, but I just wish we could start over. Sad, I know.

When I arrived, I didn't get out of my car immediately. Taking a couple deep breaths, I looked around at the place, immediately spotting Mickey's shiny and expensive Rolls Royce. Of course he'd buy something new and flashy to catch our father's praise with. It would only add to the immense pressure already imparted on me.

The door to my home opened, and my mother and sisters poured out, coming to greet me. Quickly, I painted a smile on my face, and got out of the car, quickly grabbing my backpack full of textbooks to swing on my back before hugging each female.

I hugged my mother last, kissing her cheek before asking, "Where's Dad? Mickey?"

Mum gulped. "They went to, uh, fetch the tree."

I couldn't help the hurt look that twisted on to my features. Getting the Christmas tree has been a family tradition for years. The Tomlinson men are meant to go to the town's center and pick out the tallest, largest tee we could find (and carry) before coming home with it to flock and leave for the girls to decorate.

It was my favorite part of this otherwise shitty holiday, and my father and Mickey had already begun it without me.

"They should be back soon, so you can all flock the tree together" Mum added quickly, reluctant to make me sad.

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